在過去幾年來,人口老化的問題日漸嚴重,老年人各項生理機能退化,各種的慢性病也普遍出現在老年人身上,在老年人照護上,多數的老年人不願離開家庭被送去安養之家,而看護資源也對家庭造成負擔,又因為慢性病的各種病徵,時常讓老年人不斷地往返醫療院所,重複的簡易看診行為不僅浪費了醫療資源也花費了高齡病患許多時間,在改善及照護老年人病況上的成效卻不如預期。本研究主要是設計一個無線遠距居家健康照護系統,採用ZigBee傳輸來架設一個無線網路,讓使用者能隨時隨地進行量測,透過不同的量測儀器可以測量各種生理訊號,也能透過感測器去監測使用者作息環境內的狀態,訊號透過ZigBee網路傳輸後,將會在電腦上進行分析並發出各種不同的警告提醒使用者及家屬,以利於緊急處理,系統上也能透過環境控制功能與電器結合,遠端控制使用者作息環境內的狀態,所有的生理數據會存入資料庫,以便家人查詢或醫療人員準確診療病況所需。 The problem of ageing population has become serious in the past few years that the degeneration of various physiological functions has resulted in distinct chronic diseases on the elderly. Most elderly are not willing to leave home for healthcare centers, but the resources for caregivers are the burden for families. Besides, a lot of symptoms of chronic diseases require constant visits of hospitals for the elderly. Such repeated inspections waste medical resources and time of elderly patients. However, the improvement and healthcare of the elderly do not reveal expected effectiveness.A wireless remote home care system is designed in this study, where ZigBee is applied to setting up a wireless network for the users proceeding measurements anytime anywhere. Different measuring equipment could be used for measuring various physiological signals and monitoring the users’ daily conditions through sensors. With the transmission of ZigBee network, the signals are analyzed in computers which deliver distinct alerts to remind the users and the family of emergencies. The system could further combine with electric appliances through the environment control to remote control the users’ environmental conditions. All physiological data are stored in the database for family enquiries or medical personnel’s accurate diagnoses.