台中西區筏子溪近年已發展成生態河道,有許多民眾會在流域活動,但卻具有瞬間暴洪發生的淺在可能性,因此我需要在筏子溪上游港尾溪增加暴洪的停留時間,為下游民眾多爭取避難時間。台中地區是台灣少數人口年輕化的城市之一,其中更佔有許多年輕剛出社會的創業人口在此地扎根,他們具有著創業築夢的想法,但往往受到現實層面的阻礙導致放棄他們創業的理想,我認為他們必須更有機會與資源的去構築他們的未來與夢想。本計畫將嘗試以都市滯洪角度提供有利資源促使創業人口扎根築夢,並吸引更多這類之人口進駐定居,促使台中地區保有年輕人口成長率以及創業市場的競爭力。 The Fazih River will become a river with ecological resources in the near future in Taichung. There will be human activities at river basin. But the chance of torrential flood brought by the river is substantial. So I want to increase time for water stay at the upper reaches of river, so the people at the lower stream of the river will have less impact from the flooding.Thaichung is at a younger age city for Taiwan, it has many fresh graduates who want start an enterprise business. They had the dream of started an enterprise, but they always got hinders by reality and cannot carry out their dreams, I thought they must realize their dream by receiving more facilities and resources.This proposal will use drainage and flood prevention improvement of urban and use the resources to help peopleto start an enterprise business, Its will attract more people of possess dream to live and work in this city.