現今,資訊服務必需提供七天二十四小時的服務,即使是計劃性的停機對於資訊人員及使用者都將是負面的衝擊, 企業為了停供不中斷的客戶服務便訂立企業永續經營(BC)及災難復原(DR)的計劃,大學校園目前也是提供校內師生全年無休的服務,建置高可用度的目的主要維持資訊系統的正常運作,一旦發生天災、人禍等不可抗拒因素時,能夠迅速恢復系統的有效運作,將有形、無形的災害損失降至最低。 本研究透過儲存的技術與執行管理這二個方向,針對研究對象校園儲存資料中心的現有架構進行改善設計與實作,透過網路與儲存管理服務系統建置高可用度架構,提升了儲存系統服務的穩定度與可復原性,另外透過服務層級協議(SLA)來針對各別校務系統的服務,透過新的儲存改善架構,依照校務系統服務使用單位的需求以及儲存系統管理人員的經驗來訂立儲存服務的層級協議,依照標準化的流程導入至現有儲存架構最適合的儲存階層,經過不斷的服務品質量測以及使用單位對現有使用環境的持續協調,建構出最符合目前需求的解決方案。 Information offers people whole day service. Even the routine server shut down, it will be negative impacts to IT group and user. Enterprises provide the nonstop service for customer with the disaster recovers Plan to making Enterprises forever. Also the campus built the High Availability server system to offer the stable info service for teachers and students. The expenditure to keep the normal operation of the information system mainly, when such irresistible factors such as the natural disaster, man-made calamity, it can resume effective operation of the system rapidly for the lowest that tangible. This research passes technology for two directions about storage technology and operation flows improve. We want to do two things on management for improve storage designing and technique improve the performance from the storage SAN network and storage management service center. It improving to store service of the system for more stability and can be recovery easily. Through the method of service level agreement to provide the campus administrator system more effective serve. Through new storage architecture design base on the user requirement and experience of the storage system administrator to define the new service agreements, follow the SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) steps to input the existing storage layers. Through the continuities measuring of Quality index and user department requirements and negotiating to build the most matched for user requirement and resource management solution.