Abstract: | 曹學佺與晚明福建詩學一般晚明文學史論述,以「公安、竟陵、陳子龍、夏完淳」為主軸,沒有做全面的觀察。至於錢謙益《列朝詩集小傳》以及《明史?文苑傳》,已經注意過曹學佺與福建地區詩學的發展,並沒有詳細的闡述。本研究計畫之初,已經針對曹學佺生卒年、祖先籍貫、娶妻、詩文集出版、歷代詩選等編選過程與卷數,做了初步的探索。然而曹學佺詩文集卷帙頗大,海外孤本、殘本尚待全面搜尋;而曹學佺文學交遊亦眾,與公安、竟陵,以及江蘇、江西、福建各地詩人、文人、畫家,互動頻繁,如果能夠爬梳曹學佺與相關文人文集、詩文選集的內容,相信不僅可以補充曹學佺生平、詩學成就,豐富晚明文學史的論述,對於晚明詩學、曲藝、書畫等文化發展現象,也可以間接提供一手資料,充作研究參考。近年來,兩岸古籍整理已有卓越的成就,先後出版四庫存目、禁燬、續修等叢書,可以補充國內國家圖書館與故宮博物院館藏書籍,對於明代研究提供了寬廣的平台。大陸學者方寶川、陳慶元也有意從事曹學佺研究,然而在撰述方法、體例上,尚無具體的策略。本研究試圖革新年譜、交遊的書寫方式,也要建構晚明文學史、文化論述、地域文學等概念。透過曹學佺為主的的研究,也希望能涵括晚明福建詩學的地域特質,論述閩中地區詩人對「唐詩傳承」的努力與成就。 Cao Xuequan and Late Ming Fujian Poetry Histories of Ming Dynasty Literature often focused on Chen Zilong, Gong’an , Jingling, and XiaWanchun, but neglected Cao Xuequan. In Qian Qianyi’s Biographies of Poets in Historical Anthologies and “Biographies in the Literary Garden”in The Ming History, it has been suggested that the relationship between Cao and the development of poetry in the Fujian region was not thoroughly discussed. In our preliminary study, we have investigated Cao’s biography (years of birth and death, location of his ancestral residence, his marriage), publications of his anthologies of poems and essays, editorial process and volumes of historical anthologies of poetry, etc. However, publications by scholars related to Cao was not fully studied, and it is essential to complete the literacy profile of Cao Xuequan in order to enhance the studies of late Ming literature development. Recently, publications regarding Ming dynasty's literature have been reconstructed, providing a substantial platform for future studies of Ming dynasty. Few scholars from Mainland China, such as Fang Baochuan and Chen Chingyuan, are currently planning to study Cao Xuequan. However, their investigation strategies have not been described in detail. In this study, we plan to revise the current literature related to Cao Xuequan, and to develop the concepts of Ming dynasty literature history, cultural discussion, and regional literature. In addition, by studying Cao Xuequan, we also aim to address the regional feature of Fujian poetry in late Ming, and discuss the achievements of Fujian's poets. |