本計畫以「隱藏的鏈結:從動詞雙音組合看中古詞彙系統」為題,屬於詞彙學史與詞彙系統研究。此處所謂動詞雙音組合指?個動詞組合成的雙音結構,包含?並?結構,如「奔馳」、「奔走」與?動結構如「馳告」、「驅?」等。中古詞彙特色在於同義近義的雙音組合相當多樣,?用這些雙音組合我們可以建構出一系?的同義聚合,還可與其他同義聚合系?。如藉由與「奔」相關的雙音組合就能夠整?出三個同義聚合:與人?快速有關的「走」、「趨」、「奔走」、「走奔」、「奔趨」等;與?馬速?相關的「馳」、「騁」、「驅」、「奔馳」、「奔騁」、「奔驅」等;與快速逃跑相關的「逃」、「遁」、「竄」、「奔逃」、「奔遁」、「奔竄」等。其中「驅」一詞又有「驅捶」、「驅?」、「驅逼」等?同的雙音組合,可與「打擊」、「引?」、「逼迫」等意義相關的各種聚合系?。?用這個隱藏在雙音組合中的鏈結可以逐步建?起網絡?的中古動詞詞彙系統?。建構中古詞彙系統,並與上古和現代的語?相對照,除?可以解決漢語詞彙史分期的問題外,對於同義詞典編纂、華語文教學與電子計算機的詞彙自動辨?系統也有很大的助?,是本計畫價值所在。同時,我們之前關注的南??同問題自然也能夠迎刃而解。 This plan “The Hidden Chain : On the Vocabulary System of Middle Ancient Chinese by the Two Verb Structure” is concerning about two kinds of Lexical researches : glossary study history and vocabulary System. After two years of studying ,we find a general and important phenomenon in the Middle Ancient Chinese. There are many kinds of two verb structures in Six Dynasities , because people can use two synonyms to create a lots of two verb structure. By comparing them ,we can find out the paradigmatic relations and then build up a vocabulary system. Scholars didn’t quite sure the beginning and the end of the Middle Ancient Chinese right now .we have find out the Ancient Chinese and the Modern Chinese are quite different from the Middle Ancient Chinese by studying the two verb structure .If we can research all books of the Six Dynasities,and some of books of Eastern Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, we can find the boundaries。By the other way ,to build up the vocabulary system is also very helpful to teach Chinese and to edit synonymy dictionary.