在本篇的論文中,將利用校園內電腦教室的電腦,配合無硬碟工作站的技術,建置高效能計算平台,期望能夠將校園中的電腦資源做最有效的發揮。首先本文使用了兩套建置叢集的軟體,一套是由國家高速網中心所開發的自由軟體教學平台「企鵝龍」(無硬碟遠端開機)所建置的叢集系統來和專為叢集系統建置所開發的「可開機式叢集光碟」比較在叢集計算效能的優劣,以證明企鵝龍有不錯的叢集效能。而企鵝龍軟體的開發本身即是做為自由軟體教學平台,因此為了希望將自由軟體帶進校園的教育環境中,本文利用企鵝龍套件軟體和使用者控制例行性命令的指令軟體使電腦教室的電腦能在原本的微軟作業系統環境、自由軟體教學平台和叢集系統中進行自動或手動切換,讓使用者使用高效能計算系統就像是隨插即用一樣的便利;在叢集系統方面,將電腦教室32台實際佈署叢集系統應用於平行計算;在自由軟體教學方面,可以發現不論在電腦開機時間和自由軟體開啟時間都有不錯的表現。另外,我們還將該叢集系統安裝生物計算的軟體,來應證該平台可以實際的實用性。另外,為了隨時掌握各節點電腦的狀態,使用監控軟體以便得到叢集節點相關的資訊如:記憶體、中央處理器、硬體輸出和輸入使用率等,並且在比較網路環境和交換檔各方面的效能,試圖找出在電腦教室中最佳的叢集環境,最後,使用高效能運算挑戰指標測試軟體來瞭解叢集系統的運算效能。 The objective of this paper is to implement and evaluate a High Performance Computing environment by clustering idle PCs (personal computer) with Diskless slave nodes on campuses in order to obtain the effectiveness of the largest computer potency. Two sets of Cluster platforms BCCD and DRBL are used to compare parallel computing performance. And it is to prove that DRBL has better performance than BCCD in this experiment. The original purpose of DRBL is created to facilitate instruction for Free Software Teaching platform, in order to achieve the purpose DRBL is applied to the computer classroom with 32 PCs, enabling PCs to be manually or automatically switched among different OS (operating system) of Windows, Free Software Teaching and PC Cluster. The bioinformatics program, mpiBLAST, is executed smoothly in the Cluster architecture as well. From management’s view, the state of each Computation Node in Cluster is monitored by “Ganglia”, an existing Open Source. We can gather the relevant information of CPU; Memory; Network Load for each Computation Nodes in every network section. Through comparing various aspects of performance, including performance of Swap and different network environment, this paper attempted to find out the best Cluster environment in computer classroom at school. Finally, HPCC is used to demonstrate Cluster performance.