文化創意產業群聚政策之關鍵因素分析:台中創意文化園區的個案探討隨著全球化與創意經濟時代的趨勢下,發展文化創意產業已成為近?先進國家提升經濟產值及振興?市經濟的重要策?,在我國文化創意產業人才?足、缺乏資?、技術、基礎建設與市場?大?況下,政府開始透過園區的「群聚」型態協助文化產業發展,提出欲藉由「產業群聚效果」建構對文化創意產業一個友善之發展環境,使相關產業能獲得適當的輔導和協助而成長,故又創意文化園區之設置,藉此逐步帶動我國文化創意產業的發展及環境整備。然而,如何在群聚的概?下管?創意文化園區,關鍵影響為何,顯然必需得到解答。因此,本研究以文獻分析法與深?訪談法,以台中創意文化園區為研究對象,釐清群聚??與文化創意產業之可能?結,建?文化產業群聚政策中之相關??影響因素與評估架構,接著運用決策實驗室分析法,進?因素關?分析,之後再以集群分析法進?因素分群,選出文化創意產業群聚政策的關鍵因素,作為未?政府部門擬訂創意文化園區活化策?之實質?考,提升公共管?能?與政策效?,具體強化我國文化產業政策之發展,研擬有效之群聚發展策?,發揮群聚之綜效。 Development of cultural and creative industry is an important national policy in Taiwan in the 21 century. Meanwhile, concept of industry cluster on cultural and creative industry was operated in the policy process, and it can be observed in the five Creative Cultural Park. However, most studies on cluster industries have shown that the cluster factors are not the same for all industries. How to achieve a better synergy by effective strategies is needed. First of all, this study aims to identify the factors of cultural and creative industry through literature analysis method and in-depth interviews, based on the case of Taichung Creative Cultural Park while developing with clustering. Then, the study uses decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and cluster analysis to clarify the causal relationship among factors and select critical factors. Therefore, the effective strategies must be directly related to the critical factors. In addition to helping to formulate developing program for the Taichung Creative Cultural Park, the findings of this research will be applied for assessing development alternatives.