孰輕孰重?憂鬱與自評健康之多重社會根源差異的動態模式比較台灣社會學界已對「社會經濟地位」與「社會關係資源」等因素所形構的健康不平等現象進行詳盡考察,並累積出豐碩學術成果。但目前仍有三組連貫性的疑問尚待完整解答。第一,於兼具資本主義氛圍與集體文化色彩的台灣社會,究竟是表徵個人成就的「社會經濟地位」,抑或顯示人際關係品質的「社會關係資源」,對個人健康的促進扮演著「較為重要」的角色?其次,上述各社會因素中,何者對健康的影響力會隨個人生命歷程而有最大程度的持續擴散?第三,這些社會根源因素造就的動態模式是否於各健康指標上出現一致效果,抑或會因分析的指標不同而有所變化?有鑑於此,本計畫奠基於「社會經濟地位」與「社會關係資源」的分析架構,以「憂鬱」與「自評健康」為聚焦分析的兩類型健康指標,並以縱貫性的「華人家庭動態資料庫」與「台灣中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」為分析主體,希冀以「整合」、「縱深比較」與「橫向拓展」的研究策略達到對健康之社會根源因素的動態模式差異之全盤性實證討論與探究。隨生命歷程出現最大健康差異擴散程度的作用變項將被視為最具影響力的社會根源因素。 The Social-based Inequality of Depression and Self-Reported Health Over the Life Course in Taiwan A tremendous body of literature has elaborated that the relationships between social-economic status, social relationships and health vary across the life course in Western societies. Nonetheless, far less research has focused on whether these life-course patterns also appear in Eastern societies such as Taiwan. This research hence purposes to establish the fundamental understandings of the social-based inequality of depression and self-reported health over the life course in Taiwan. With the implementation of the aging vector model on the longitudinal Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan (1989, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2003) and on the Panel Study of Family Dynamics, this research is able to gauge the educational-based, economic-based, work context-based, and social relationships-based differential of depression and self-reported health over the life course. The factor that leads to the largest differential is regarded as the most important and fundamental health-enhancing factor. Moreover, since Taiwan is a collectivist society that has undergone tremendous economic development, whether social-economic factors or social relationships factors provide more health-fostering impacts is investigated and discussed.