費希特在他的知?學中提出「人???的實際?史」的構想,對於謝?與黑格爾思想的影響,眾所皆知。然而極少有學者深入探討此一構想,是以一方面此一構想本身在費希特知?學發展之中的演化,被普遍地忽?;另一方面,何以費希特要提出此一構想,並且把它與由基礎命題出發的演繹區分開?,也無人?及,從而也少有學者明確?明此一構想如何影響?黑格爾。本計劃擬就上述三個面向,研究費希特此一構想。 Fichte developed the conception of the pragmatic history of human spirit, which, as well known among scholars of German Idealism, had great influences on Schelling’s and Hegel’s thought. However, few scholars have explored the conception thoroughly. At the one side, the evolution of this conception in Fichte’s thought has been overlooked generally. At the other side, scarcely anyone pays attention to the question why Fichte developed such a conception, which he distinguished from the deduction starting from fundamental principles. As a consequence, how this conception exactly influenced Hegel remains unclarified. This project aims to study the conception of the pragmatic history of human spirit from the three perspectives mentioned above.