本文首先建構了一理論模型,理論結果發現經濟成長率與一國之資訊通信科技水準之間有直接且內生的正向關係。接著,本文建構了17個高所得 OECD 國家之追蹤資料數據庫,樣本年間為1980–2004 (依國家不同而有樣本期間的變動),用以分析資訊通信科技 (ICT) 資本存量對這些高所得國家,在樣本年間生產力的貢獻。本篇論文的模型主軸參考 R?;eller and Waverman (2001) 所估計之總體生產力方程式,配合數個個體模型修正迴歸變數內生性之問題。與 R?;eller and Waverman (2001) 不同的是,本篇論文所考慮的主要解釋變數不只是他們所使用的電信基礎建設 (telecommunication infrastructure),而是將 ICT 資本存量切割為三個部門:通訊設備部門、硬體部門與軟體部門,並配合通訊產品 (市內電話與行動電話) 及電腦普及率,來估計這些變數對高所得國家長期生產力的貢獻。本篇論文目前的實證結果顯示,除了行動電話普及率之外,這些 ICT 資本存量以及市內電話與電腦普及率,均對高所得國家有正面的生產力貢獻。此外,一旦這些國家達到一定數位化的門檻後,電腦普及率對生產力的貢獻將非線性地增加。這些實證上的結果,均與本文所建構之理論模型之預測一致。 This paper constructs an unbalanced panel dataset based on a varying sample period of 1980–2004 for 17 OECD countries to analyse the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on productivity growth. This paper divides ICT capital stock into three categories, namely communication equipment, IT equipment (hardware), and software, and uses them together with telecommunication demand and personal computer (PC) penetration rate as productivity-related explanatory variables. It then estimates a macro production function using micro models for ICT investment, telecommunication demand, and PC penetration. The estimation results suggest that the three categories of ICT capital stock, together with telephone and PC penetration rates, positively and significantly influence productivity growth in the selected high-income economies. Moreover, once the level of digitalisation reaches 20%, it also provides a networked contribution to productivity growth.