Abstract: | 利用高能量超音波來降解水中之污染物已是一可行之綠色處理技術,然而其能量消耗仍有待克服。高能量超音波之微米空穴氣泡破裂,是超音波化學產生氧化與還原反應之主要機制;因此若能於超音波處理中添加微米氣泡,理論上應可有效的增加空穴氣泡破裂之數量,進而增加其氧化降解與還原處理之效率並節省能量。本研究首先將利用實驗室中現有之微米氣泡機,以添加O2, O3, N2, Ar, He, H2等不同氣體之微米氣泡於超音波中,以測試其對新興污染物如Ibuprofen等之氧化降解效能。其次,並將測試其以還原法去除有機污染物如 TCE以及重金屬離子之效能。本研究亦將深入了解不同超音波頻率對微米氣泡超音波法去除效率之影響,並進一步設計以Nearfield Acoustic Processer (NAP)測試多頻率超音波法之效能。間歇性(pulsation)之超音波操作對處理效能之影響亦將於本研究中探討。最後,本研究將進行不同處理條件下氧化與還原反應所生成之副產物特性分析,以利用其鑑定在外加微米氣泡存在時超音波化學可能之反應原理與機制。 High-energy ultrasound has been proved to be a viable green technology in the abatement of organic pollutants in water. However, efforts are still needed to overcome the problem of high energy consumption. The implosion of microbubble cavity is the main mechanisms contributing to the reactions. In theory, adding microbubbles to the ultrasonic system should be able to increase the number of cavities, and subsequently increase the efficiency of oxidation and reduction reactions. In this study, microbubbles of various gases, including O2, O3, N2, Ar, He, and H2, will be added to the ultrasonic system to examine their effects on the overall oxidation of emerging pollutants such as Ibuprofen, and on the reduction of groundwater pollutants such as TCE and heavy metal ions. In addition, effects of ultrasonic frequency on the reactions will be tested. A Nearfield Acoustic Processer (NAP) employing multiple transducers of different frequencies will also be built and tested. Effects of pulsation on the aforesaid systems will be studied as well. Finally, byproducts generated in these experiments will be identified and quantified to elucidate the mechanisms of microbubble-assisted sonochemical reactions. |