本研究計畫將以膠體在靜態溶液中的膠凝?為和在過?收集器表面上的吸附機制為?,以??和實驗並?的方式?探討膠體的布?運動?為在其中所辦演的角色。其中,膠體在靜態溶液中的膠凝?為將以圓球座標???分析?顆?同?徑大小膠體間的吸附機制,而膠體在過?收集器表面上的吸附機制則以壓縮管模型的幾何座標?進???分析。本研究計畫的第一?和第二?將以探討膠體在靜態溶液中膠凝?為的??分析和實驗工作為主,第三?和第四?將以探討膠體在過?收集器中過?吸附?為的??分析和實驗工作為主。第五?則將前四???分析和實驗工作所得的結果做一有系統的分析,以期真正瞭解膠體的布?運動?為在其中所辦演的角色。 By studying the phenomena of colloidal coagulation in quiescent media and colloidal deposition on the filtration collectors, the role of colloidal Brownian motion behavior is investigated theoretically and experimentally in the present proposal. Among which, the phenomena of colloidal coagulation in a binary suspension will be studied by using the spherical coordinates (1st and 2nd year), and the deposition mechanism of colloids onto the collector surfaces in a filter will be studied by using the constricted tube model (3rd and 4th year), respectively. In the 5th year, the results obtained in the previous four years of the present proposal will be analyzed systematically in order to understand the real role of Brownian motion played by the colloids in the processes of coagulation and deposition.