台灣高山地區共域食肉目貂科動物種?常為小黃鼠?(Mustela nivalis)、黃鼠?(Mustela sibirica)和黃喉貂(Martes flavigula)等三者,本計畫乃探討生態區位之資源分配假?是否存在於共域的黃喉貂與大小黃鼠?間。研究方法?用分子資?鑑定排遺的宿主種?為何,再進?食性分析,配合毛髮陷阱與自動相機架設,?進一步探討在空間分佈與活動時間之分化是否存在。本計畫將針對此三種共域共域食肉目貂科動物建?族群遺傳資訊上的研究,針對尚未設計之黃喉貂與小黃鼠?開發出可使用之微隨體DNA(microsatellite DNA)引子,並作為檢視三者社會結構,尤其驗證屬於群體活動之黃喉貂,其親屬社會結構(kin-related social structure)是由親緣關係較接近個體組成之假?。本計畫為首次從分子資??釐清共域貂科物種排遺的物種的基本鑑定,進而深入探討共域生態學及社會?為,相關研究成果將提供未?保育和研究上?好的?證。 In Taiwan mountain areas, three species of Mustelidae, Carnivora, i.e. Mustela nivalis, Mustela sibirica and Martes flavigula are found sympatric together. The main purpose of this project is to examine the principle of niche differentiation among three species of Mustelidae by resource partition hypothesis. Research methods will be used molecular data to identify the host excrement, then to do diet analysis, with the hair traps and automatic camera set up, to further explore resource partition finding in the spatial distribution and activities in time. This project will also address the genetic data of these three Mustelidae species. First, it will be to establish the microsatellite DNA primer for Martes flavigula and Mustela nivalis and to examine the social structures of these three Mustelidae species. In particular, this research is to verify the social structure that belonging to group activities of Martes flavigula. The hypotheses of the social structure of their relatives (kin-related social structure) is formed by the genetic relationship of the individual is made. This project is to clarify the species excrement by molecular data, and thus to focus on the sympatric ecology and social behavior. The expected result will provide a valuable information for future conservation on the Carnivora of Taiwan.