學術界雖已累積為數眾多的成長相關研究,但傳統實證為基礎的研究未從時間和順序上去解釋造成改變的理由和機制,並忽視組織成長過程可能的非線性,造成相關研究出現研究結論不一致問題,甚至無法找到一個在不同研究結論中具對成長一致影響力的變數。為擴展成長理論的發展,越來越多學者提出研究成長的研究應採用縱斷面的深入個案研究方法,發展成長的過程理論(process theory),以深入了解研究對象成長歷程所涉及的眾多因素,及因素間的相互關聯性。本研究預計透過多個案的研究方式,針對組織自發性成長,選定不同規模的個案組織,建構個別組織成長的系統結構,進而分析與歸納不同規模組織的成長動態結構之差異,建構組織規模與組織成長間關係的過程導向理論。在進行縱斷面研究時,為避免落於概念性描述,且掌握企業成長歷程的關鍵變數,本研究採用系統動力學建構組織成長歷程背後的主導結構。在學術貢獻上,本研究除提供更多實際組織成長歷程以為驗證基礎外,透過多個不同規模之個案分析與比較,拓展成長過程理論。在管理實務上,本研究所建構的企業組織成長動態結構,有助於管理者形成對企業成長之整體圖像,調整企業營運策略,協助管理實務擬定長期成長策略。 Despite hundreds of empirical growth studies explaining firm-level growth differences, findings have been inconsistent across studies, however, regarding objective factors associated with firm growth. Furthermore, there exists a gap between growth measures commonly used in academic research and what entrepreneurs perceive as actual growth for their own businesses. Since the process of growth is different for different firms and, therefore, the internal action vary substantially, more qualitative research is needed to better understand some aspects of growth that so far have been largely neglected. Focusing on the internal and organic firm growth, this research assumes firms of different sizes are confronted with different growth engines and obstacles in pursuing and managing growth. Multiple longitudinal case studies are conducted to capture the underlying complexity and multidimensionality of individual firm growth. System dynamics approach is then adopted for each case to explore possible essential system for firms of different sizes. This research expects to develop a process theory of relationship between firm size and firm growth to explore the differences of how firms of difference sizes experience or even manage their growth process. The developed process theory is believed to better capture the in-depth thinking of entrepreneurs and decision makers. And it would be also valuable for generating theoretical propositions concerning how firms of different sizes manage their growth and supplement more empirical evidence and highlight possible new concepts for growth research.