藉由參與觀察、深度訪談、文獻和法規分析、以及生命史的田野調查方法,本計畫將藉由在台底層中國移民對於金錢的想像和理解、運用勞動所得的方式、以及輸送金錢的管道,以探究在晚近兩岸政經關係巨大變遷的情境中,在經由這些報導人往返中台兩地而形塑的國境邊區社會場域裡,社會正義、人際倫理、既存道德秩序、和經濟利益之間如何互相建構、並彼此強化或挑戰其各自的正當性。除此之外,經由以上有關國境邊區道德經濟的研究,本計畫也試圖探討鉅觀層次的國家權力和政治經濟結構變遷,與底層跨境遷移者日常生活實作和權力施展的互動關係。 With ethnographic methods of participatory observation, in-depth interview, analysis of juridical regulations and life history, this research project aims to examine the conceptions and practices of both money and labor in the case of underprivileged Chinese transmigrants within the socioeconomic areas intersected by their multiply border-crossing acts across the Taiwan Strait. Via such a form of investigation, the proposed research aims to analyze how the given mechanisms of social justice, interpersonal ethics, and the moral-economic order in the cross-strait border zone can be mutually constructed with the understandings and praxis of economic interests of transmigratory actors. By means of highlighting the recently changing nexus of state power and politico-economic institutions in both Taiwan and China, in addition, this project intends to highlight both the significance and social effects of everyday-life power practices a transmigrant may exercise or appropriate in the face of an overreaching state hegemony.