Abstract: | 以我過去對補習行為的研究為基礎,目前執行的二年期計畫,將針對臺灣不同類型的補習機構進行深入訪談與分析,並嘗試建構一套關於臺灣補習業發展的特有模式說明與論述。依本計畫的三個執行階段,分別是(一)整理美國私立華人補習班之研究成果資料,以及歷史文獻資料、相關法規及據點資訊,以作為說明臺灣本地補習班發展的制度性脈絡及其空間分佈情形的基礎。(二)開始著手私人補教機構的深入訪談,收集臺灣補習教育供給面的第一手資料。(三)整理不同類型的補習班之組織運作模式,並進行比較,進而提出具說服力的本土化學說及理論框架。研究執行至今,第一個研究階段的內容已順利完成,第二個階段也正積極進行、並已開始有資料回收與整理。至於依研究過程中累積的經驗與發現,將相關理論的適用性予以評估,並提出可能修正,再進而提出具說服力的本土化學說等目標則將依序、依研究計畫之時程逐步完成。 Following up my previous research (Liu, 2006; 2009; 2012; 2013), I set forth a 2-year research I intend to conduct. The objectives of this proposal will be to (1) describe a clear picture of the history, development, and institutional and ecological characteristics of cram schools in Taiwan; (2) review the applicable and related sociological theories on studying cram schools as formal organizations, or further,industries; and to delineate the inter-relationships among cram schools, formal educational systems, and consumers; (3) evaluate and modify the existed theories and then towards a more analytical conceptualization of cram schooling.Additionally, a localized, domestic thesis will be proposed to study cram schools in Taiwan.So far, I have finished the first step, i.e., organize and analyze the data I collectedfrom New York City, the United States. Also, I have been describing a picture of thehistory, development, and institutional and ecological characteristics of cram schoolsin Taiwan. In-depth interviews have been executed and the inter-relationships amongcram schools, formal educational systems, and consumers are considered. |