本研究嘗試探討薪資?確定與??變動的環境下,投資人消費、投資與保險購買的問題。考慮面對可保風險時,?同風險驅避的投資人,應如何因應保險事故的損失。本研究延伸Merton (1971)提出動態消費與資產配置的求解方法,並同時考慮?用Cox and Huang (1989)機?平賭(martingale)方法的可能性,在投資人面?薪資收入風險、??風險與保險風險時,求解最適消費、資產配置與保險購買的問題。 In this study, we seek the optimal dynamic consumption, investment, and insurance strategies for an individual who faces labor income risk and interest rate risk. Investor, with different risk preference, faces insurable risk. How to handle this problem? We extend the dynamic programming method which introduced by Metron (1971) to solve the optimization problem. We also attempt to use martingale method which developed by Cox and Huang (1989) to find the solution when interest rates, labor income and insurance events are stochastic.