N版本編程是一個重要的軟體容錯設計方法。文獻中已有?少文章探討多版本編程軟體其版本之間具有錯誤相關的主題。然而,只有少?文章是在軟體發展生命周期的檢測與除錯階段?進?這種錯誤相關主題的討?。在檢測與除錯階段,軟體錯誤?一定能夠成功地被移除。?完全除錯可能會導致?完全的移除,甚至可能引入新的軟體錯誤。本研究計畫考慮在?完全除錯的情況下,進?N版本編程軟體其版本間具相關失效情況下的除錯隨機模型的探討,我們將討?除錯過程對於N版本編程軟體可靠?的影響。透過模型選取、相關失效程?的討?、及簡化公式的演算,本研究計畫希望能夠對N版本編程軟體在??與應用上能夠有?進一步的瞭解,並進而改進現有模型。 N-version programming is one of the most important software fault tolerance techniques. Many papers have studied the issue of fault correlation among versions. However, only a few of them consider this issue during the testing and debugging part of the software development life cycle. During testing and debugging, faults may not be successfully removed. Imperfect debugging may result in unsuccessful removal, and the introduction of new faults. This project, under the consideration of imperfect debugging, focuses on the debugging models in which N-version programming having fault correlation among versions. We will study the effect of the debugging process to the software reliability of an N-version programming system. We will explore the selection of suitable models, the discussion of degrees of correlated failure, and simplifying representation for reliability functions. It is expected to further understand N-version programming theoretically and practically, and to improve existing models