在雙截資料下,我們提出一族的排序統計量為依據之兩族群檢定。我們考慮無母數以及半參數兩種方法。對於半參數方法,僅截取變數之分配給予假設。我們將建立兩種檢定之漸近分配並以模擬檢討有限樣本之表現。所提出之方法將應用在CDC AIDS 輸血資料上。 A class of rank-based tests is proposed for the two-sample problem with doubly trun- cated data. We consider both nonparametric and semiparametric approaches, where the truncation distribution is parameterized, while the lifetime distribution is left unspeci ed. The asymptotic distribution theory of the test is presented. The small-sample performance of the test is investigated under a variety of situations by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed tests are illustrated using the CDC AIDS Blood Transfusion Data.<>