本計畫研發動態Web 內容應用的發佈、部署、更新等演算法,運用雲端技術的巨量資訊處理能力,發展具規模適應性的高效能的內容服務網路。第一年本計畫將一個應用程式的部署策略表示成其服務元件的策略的組合 (composition)。藉由預先計算(pre-computing)技術先將常用的元件的部署策略予以計算並儲存,然後整個應用程式的部署便能以組合的方式快速計算出來。第一年將研究最常見的階層式網路服務遞送架構的部署演算法,此問題是動態內容服務領域的重要open problem。第二年本計畫將針對移動式閱讀裝置與on-demand 的虛擬機器等新的動態網路架構,研發全分散式與漸進式方法。漸進式方法中,階層式網路中的某個節點的部署策略可由其sub-hierarchy 的最近一次的部署策略拆解組合而得。本計畫將發展部署策略管理系統,將部署策略的拆解組合關係儲存成一個lattice 結構,並提供儲存、查詢、與更新等操作。本計畫將建置雲端內容遞送平台,運用新的部署方法,將數位內容有效率地從各個服務提供者取出並加以組合後遞送至使用者端裝置。 Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a computing paradigm uses services as basic building blocks to enable rapid and flexible development of software. This project develops an efficient dynamic content service system based on SOA. The topics that are addressed in this research work include digital content representation, content deployment, content delivery and data update. Year 1 This develops an algorithm for efficiently deploying the service components for the hierarchical server network. This structure has been widely adopted in many scalable Internet applications. In this project, a service application, comprising of many service components, is represented by using a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Thus, a service deployment is an assignment of nodes in DAG to the hierarchical network. The problem of finding an assignment, with total cost of content delivery and content construction minimized, is considered an important open problem for dynamic content delivery. Year 2 We develop the decentralized and incremental content delivery algorithms.We first show that the status of a server (in the hierarchical server network) can be derived from that of its sub-hierarchy. Then, we develop a fully distributed and online algorithm based on the algorithm of the first year.