網路團購是近幾年來發展非常迅速的新型態電子商務經營模式,但關於消費者為何參與網路團購相關之研究仍屬少數。尤其,不同於電子商務網站,團購網站的社會影響較為顯著,因為許多消費者是看到很多人購買某產品而跟著一起購買,因此,本計畫主要之目的,在於探討影響團購網站經營之因素有哪些,並分兩年執行,分別從消費者人格特質、網站的社會線索(social cues)、社會臨場感(social presence)等觀點來進行探討。第一年計畫將以消費者人格特質為主要之自變數,包括三大類型人格特質:(1)社會影響相關之人格特質,指個人是否容易受到人際影響的特質(規範性/資訊性影響)以、依附感及對社會比較訊息之注意;(2)風險相關之人格特質,包括自我控制能力與冒險性;(3)資訊處理相關之人格特質,包括刺激尋求、認知需求與閉合需求對消費者參與網路團購意願之影響。在本年度計畫中,亦將考慮產品類型(搜尋型、經驗型、信任型)與團購類型(自發型、商業型)之調節效果。第二年計畫則將以社會線索與社會臨場感理論(social presence theory)為基礎,探討團購網站中包括哪些社會線索、以及哪些社會線索會對消費者參與網路團購之意願產生影響。目前第一年計畫執行進度為:已完成相關文獻之探討、並已完成問卷之發展,資料蒐集則尚在進行中,預計於七月份完成資料蒐集。 Online group buying is one of the most proliferated e-commerce business model in recent years. However, there still lacks academic research in understanding the reason why consumers participate (or do not participate) the online group buying. To be more specific, compared with e-commerce website, more social influence factors were incorporated in the online group buying websites. Thus, the main objective in this project is to conduct a multi-discipline research that investigate factors that might influence the consumers’ intention to participate online group buying. The research is going to be conducted in three successive years. In the first year, this project focuses on the personal characteristic factors that include three main categories: (1) the social influence related characteristics including personal susceptibility to social influence and attachment; (2) risk related characteristics include self control and risk taking; (3) information processing related characteristics include sensation seeking, need for cognition and need for closure. In the second year, the research will focus on the social cues embedded in the online group buying websites. The research will be grounded in social influence theory and social presence theory in order to understand the influence of different social cues on consumers’ intention to participate the online group buying. The current progress is: literature review and questionnaire design is finished. Data collection is in progress and estimated to be finished at July.