智慧電網(smart grid)在學術界被視為是結合電力、感測、控制、與通訊的跨領域研究範例,在實際價值方面則被視為是節約能源的最有效方案之一,並且被許多國家的政府列為是重點研究項目。目前的智慧電網可以偵測以及記錄家用的數位電表,供使用者評估其整體用電狀況,再自行決定並親自執行其節能方案。因此,仍須人工介入。而且只有懂得如何調整負載用電的技術人員才有能力執行節能的處置,並非一般居家人士輕易可為之事。所以,有識之士提出需要智慧電網”最後一哩”工程的訴求,希望把居家電器納入家用範圍網路(home area network, HAN),並經由HAN達到感測、紀錄、並且自動控制個別電器的用電狀況,以達到徹底控制用電的終極目標。本計劃擬採用超高壓功率半導體IC 技術內的閘極驅動MOSFET,除了維持原結構擔任驅動功能之外,另可將其做適當的佈局更改,縮短汲極漂移區長度降低電壓承受能力(<20V),但是可以提高其射頻響應。適當的設計可以得到需要的射頻響應,同時又保持足夠的發射功率,以符合通訊系統的規格。目前希望能符合的是Zigbee 系統的 2.4GHz、4mW 的發射規格。結合超高壓電源管理IC 與Zigbee系統的單晶片系統則仍然沒有完備的製程。本計劃的目的就是提供此一可能性,並且滿足智慧電網”最後一哩” 工程-家用範圍網路( HAN)的訴求。 Smart grid combines the research areas of power, sensing, control, and communication. It is thought to be one of the most effective systems in energy saving. Many governments involve in smart grid related researches. The smart grid detects and records the reading of digital power meters. However, users still have to adjust electric loads manually according to the statistics provided by the smart grid. The “last mile” technology is highly desired to be included in the Home Area Network (HAN),such that energy saving (or electric load adjusting) can be executed automatically. The ultra high voltage (UHV) IC process technology provides 600V~800V high voltage semiconductor devices, the LDMOSFET, and typical low voltage CMOS devices for AC power management applications. Usually, a 20V to 40V gate driver MOSFET for the UHV device is included in this technology. The goal of this project is redesign this gate driver MOSFET, shorten its drift region, and increase its frequency response. We may find a certain range in which the drift region length can be adjusted continuously. All of the parameters such as breakdown voltage, turn-on resistance, and cut-off frequency etc. are linearly designable in this range. In that case, RF wireless communication is bundled with UHV devices, a system on chip IC solution for wireless control on AC power management applications is then available. This solution can solve the smart grid’s last mile problems. The RF specification is chosen to have 2.4GHz and 4mW, the specifications of Zigbee systems.