Abstract: | 歐戰,世界第一次大戰,中國現代性,東方雜誌,新青年 1895年中日甲午戰爭,中國戰敗,中國的危機由物質層面急遽升為精神層面。這種精神層面的危機,至少包含有下面的內容:文化危機、認同危機、倫理危機、教育危機,乃至於民族信心危機等等,不一而足。從甲午到辛亥,西方列強對中國的壓迫並未因為中華帝國的崩潰與共和國的建立而稍緩,中國的精神危機也因此在民國以後持續擴散。相應於此一危機的發散,則是由知識菁英所發動的啟蒙運動,自甲午到至民初的二、三十年間,「啟蒙」以各種不同的形式與管道在中國出現。「啟蒙」是現代性的重要內涵之一,職故之是,本計畫主要探索下列三項與現代性相關的議題:第一,1914至1918年的「歐戰」,在哪些面向上造成了近代中國的「寧靜的啟蒙」。第二,近代中國所呈現的極為特殊的兩種現代性經驗:以《東方雜誌》為代表的「黑暗現代性」與《新青年雜誌》為代表的「光明現代性」。第三,「歐戰」與「中國轉型期」(1895-1925)的結束,兩者間是否存在著內在的關連?兩者在何種意義上產生關連? The Great War, WWI, China's Modernity, Dongfang Magazine, New Youth Magazine Modern China experienced a great setback during the Sino-Japanese War of 1895. After the war, China’s crisis soared up into the level of spirit from that of material. The content of Chinese spiritual crisis is, however, complicated. Other than racial confidence, it also includes cultural, identical, ethical, and educational one. This sense of crisis was so particular, and strong as well, that the whole generation of Chinese intellectual of 1890s was left a mark on it. In a sense, China virtually felt no less pressure from the Western powers even until 1912, the year the autocratic Qing empire was overthrew and the Republic was established, As a result of it, the Republic was not privileged to prevent her from the haunting of spiritual crisis. It is against this historical background that the Chinese elites launched a serial of enlightenment movements, which are, indeed, the significant symbol of modernity. From the viewpoints of modernity and the World War I, this project attempts to explore the following essential issues: First of all, in what sense modern China experienced a “silent enlightenment” owing to the impact of the World War I? Second, what and why modern China occur two different types of modernity: “bright modernity” typified by the group of “East Magazine” (dongfang zazhi) and “dark modernity” illustrated by the group of “New Youth Magazine” (Xinqingnian) in the early Republic period? And finally, what is, if any, the connection between the World War I and the end of China’s “Transitional Era” of 1895-1925 which marks the coming of age of Chinese modernity? |