從大?鄉潮?國中的臭氣事件到中科三期、國光石化等工業區開發所引發的爭議可以發現?色工業區發展與治?的迫?性,為?系統化的解決目前工業區普遍面?的問題,本研究從「資?生產」、「資?儲存」、「資訊擷取」、「資?分析」以及「知?管?」等資?生命週期觀點,逐?建?環境法醫診斷技術以及工業區?色管?所需的各項系統性、整合性的決策管?工具,為?達成這個目的,本研究以台中工業區為案?進?各項研究,預計以四?時間完成:「最佳化採樣設計、遙測監測元件開發與準確?校正工具開發」、「指紋圖譜資?庫資?挖掘工具開發」、「環境法醫案?與知?庫管?系統」、「雲端決策與?動稽核工具開發」等四大工作目標,系統性的解決工業區治?可能面?的問題。 To solve the debates on environmental duty in social effects of pollution, researcher has paid much attention to environmental forensics. The scientists are also attempting to find some reasonable methodologies to trace and control the pollution sources for the purpose of sustainable development. For these reasons, this research proposed a four years proposal to develop a series of tools based on information theory for managing a green industrial parks. This integrated framework is derived into four parts. First of all, a framework for data collection and production is made, in which sensors and mathematical model will be developed for achieving a reliable data sets. Then, data mining technologies will be build to locate the possible pollution sources with remote sensing data in company with a monitoring program. The third and fourth years, an online decision support system in cloud will be created, in which mobile auditing, knowledge management will be involved .