無線網路目前已成為網路族群的新寵,但擺脫了有線的束縛,卻帶來了更多安全的威脅。近年來網路環境使用趨勢,從傳統的有線乙太網路到無線網路,讓我們擺脫有形線路連接的束縛,從而實現了行動上網的理想。無線網路設備成本在一年內下跌50%以上,而且政府大力推展行動台灣政策,使得許多企業、學校、及家庭紛紛用無線網路做為另一種連結網際網路的解決方案。不過卻因為無線網路的特性為有心者開了一扇大門,讓他們可以不受實體限制侵入企業網路窺探及存取資訊,一般使用者使用無線路網也將陷入同樣的威脅中。為解決無線網路安全所引起的問題,基於無網網路安全的路由協定紛紛被提出,而確保傳輸訊息的完整性及使用者身分驗證性,訊息加密及數位簽章是兩個最重要的保護機制。移動式隨意網路中,路由協定不斷的改良,針對不同的路由協定有相對應的安全機制。我們將於此論文中,對安全路由協定ARIADNE及SEAD加強安全性,並進一步套用在近年提出的路由協定DOA中。我們根據加強後的安全路由協定做實驗分析,並探討其結果;而所提出方法不僅大量降低路由封包,並且提升資料接收率。 An ad hoc network, or MANET (Mobile Ad hoc NETwork), is a network composed only of nodes, with no Access Point. Messages are exchanged and relayed between nodes. In fact, an ad hoc network has the capability of making communications possible even between two nodes that are not in direct range with each other: packets to be exchanged between these two nodes are forwarded by intermediate nodes, using a routing algorithm. In order to assure a reliable data transfer over the communication networks and protect the system resources, a number of security services are required. There are many secure route discovery protocols proposed for ad hoc networks. We improved two of the famous secure routing protocols, ARIADNE and SEAD, to enhance security and increase its efficiency.In recent year, there is a new routing protocol proposed namely DOA. It combines DSR with AODV and even up scarcity and superabundance. In this thesis, we focus on security of the route. According to our analysis of experiments, we find that it not only decreases the control overhead dramatically also increases the packet delivery ratio.