過去婚姻與健康關係的研究著重討論不同婚姻狀態間的健康差異,並以「夫妻」間的情感性和經濟性支持為主要解釋機制,且較少討論已婚者內部的健康差異。運用社會變遷調查六期二次家庭組問卷,本文有以下延伸發現。一、相較於單身者,已婚者的自評健康最佳,但並未呈現顯著為佳的快樂程度。已婚者的健康優勢亦可由家人的情感性支持(同住人數、吃晚飯及從事休閒活動頻率)和自評家庭收入解釋。二、本文檢驗已婚者內部的健康差異是否受揭露式親密關係和來自父母/配偶父母、婆家/娘家父母的代間支持影響。揭露式親密關係中,感謝與被配偶感謝顯著影響健康與快樂。體貼配偶、夫妻衝突、離婚念頭、婚姻滿意度等婚姻品質相關變項亦對健康或快樂有顯著影響。代間支持中,唯有情感性支持(如與父母相處品質)對健康有正向影響。三、本文亦探討婚姻斜坡、家務分工、生育價值觀三面向的非主流狀態及價值落差對已婚者內部健康差異的影響。非主流狀態上,夫妻職業「女高男低」者顯著較不快樂、無男性後代者自評健康顯著較差。價值落差上,呈現年齡價值落差者顯著不快樂,家務及子女數價值落差者則顯著不健康。整體而言,情感性面向(如家人情感性支持與揭露式親密關係)對已婚者的健康影響較大,工具性支持、非主流狀態、價值落差則較無影響。 Previous research has shown that the impact of marriage on subjective health and well-being is mediated by spousal emotional support and tangible economic resources. However, much less research explores other explanations and discusses the health difference among the married people. By using data from the 2011 Taiwan Social Change Survey, this study presents the following findings. The first part of the research focuses on the total population and finds the married are healthier but not happier than their counterparts. The pattern is explained by familial emotional support and subjective income. The second part targets the married population and demonstrates the following patterns. First, people with higher level of disclosing intimacy relationship are healthier and happier. People who display gratitude toward his or her spouse and who fell grateful tend to display better subjective well-being. Besides, other marital quality indicators (such as being thoughtful, marital conflict, the idea of divorce, and marital satisfaction) are also associated with self-assessed health or happiness. Thirdly, emotionally intergenerational support benefits subjective well-being. Subsequently, people related with unconventional marital gradient (such as the wife being older, having better socioeconomic status, doing less household work than the husband, and having no son) report worse health and are unhappier. Last but not least, the conflicts between the idea and reality on age and housework dimensions of marital gradient are associated with worse subjective well-being.