隨著個人所得增加,國人更注重生活品質,對葡萄酒的消費也逐年增加,然而國內對葡萄酒消費行為的研究卻相當的不足。本研究以廠商容易觀察與衡量的人口統計變數對消費者進行市場區隔,觀察不同市場區隔的消費者行為之差異。本研究總共發放200份問卷,問卷回收126份,以敘述統計及兩群母體t檢定進行統計分析。結果發現,性別、年齡、酒齡、居住地區及所得對消費者的購買頻率、飲用頻率、參觀促銷展覽頻率、影響消費者參加葡萄酒展以及在葡萄酒展中消費的因素都有顯著的影響。在吸引消費者參加葡萄酒展因素重要性排名顯示,消費者認為展覽會會場場地舒適為最重要的因素,最不重要的因素為展場有知名公眾人物或社交名媛炒熱氣氛。吸引消費者在葡萄酒展中消費最重要的因素為試飲的酒款好喝,最不重要的因素則為是否有強力廣告促銷。本研究建議,廠商在進行行銷活動時,應針對不同的目標顧客設計不同的行銷活動。 As gross domestic production per capital increases, living standards increase as well, and consumption of wine increases steadily. However, research in consumer behavior with regard to wine consumption was insufficient. This study investigates the differences of consumer behavior among various market segments with demographic variables that are easy to identify and measure. This study collects 126 questionnaires, analyzed with descriptive statistics and T-tests. The results are that genders, ages, experiences, living areas, and incomes are all demonstrated to significantly influence buying frequency, using frequency, frequency of participation in promotion activities, factors that influence consumers to participate in promotion activities, and factors that influence consumers to purchase in promotion activities. This study also finds that the most important factor that influences consumers to participate in promotion activities is the degree to which the venue of the promotion activities is comfortable; the least important factor is the degree to which there are famous people in the venue. The most important factor that influences consumers to purchase in promotion activities is the degree to which wine tastes good; the least important factor is the degree to which there are strong advertisement for the promotion activities. This study suggests that firms should design different marketing activities for various targeted market segments when progressing market activities.