顧客導向的時代?臨。顧客?與服務的過程中,第一線服務人員與顧客之間的互動與態?,往往會影響顧客需求的滿足及交易的成功,進而關係到公司的經營績效。本研究之探討有四個目的:第一是顧客?與服務與員工的角色衝突是否有關係;第二是員工的角色衝突與情緒?動間之關聯性;第三是角色衝突對員工的情緒耗竭之影響;第四是員工的情緒?動?為對情緒耗竭之影響。本研究採用問卷調查法,以?資一?以上的銀??財專員為樣本,有效回收樣本共計138 份(回收?100%),並使用普通最小平方法(OLS)進?迴歸分析。研究結果顯示:顧客?與服務與員工的角色衝突具有關聯性,顧客?與並?是員工產生情緒耗竭的直接影響因素。並且角色衝突對員工的情緒?動及情緒耗竭皆呈現正向影響,角色衝突會直接影響情緒耗竭,?必然透過情緒?動。本研究提出??與管?實務上的意涵及研究限制,並對未?的研究方向提出進一步的建議。 Customer-oriented era has arrived. When customers participate in the process of services, the interaction and the attitude between first line customer service members and customers will always impact satisfaction of customer’s needs and success of deals, and can thus affect a company’s performance. The research investigates four aspects: (1) the relevance of customer participation to employee’s role conflict, (2) the relation between employee’s role conflict and his/her emotional labor, (3) how employee’s role conflict influences his/her emotional exhaustion, and (4) how employee’s emotional labor behavior affects his/her emotional exhaustion.The research uses the questionnaire method and samples banks’ financial consultants who have taken their positions for at least one year. There are 138 valid samples (100% response rate) for the study and the ordinary least square (OLS) method is employed for regression analysis. The result of the research indicates that customer participation is relevant to employee’s role conflict and role conflict in turn is positively correlated to employee’s emotional labor and exhaustion. The research presents the implications in theory and management practices and its limitations, and gives further suggestions for future research direction.