本研究旨在探討傳統貿易公司,當其銷售的產品是位於成熟期的產品時,面臨低價競爭的環境時,如何運用《白地策略》一書中所提的「市場白地」和「四格商業模式架構」的概念,結合核心競爭力、創新等相關理論與架構,找到可藉此創新轉型的產品和經營模式,以提升貿易公司的成長力和競爭力。 因此,本研究採用文獻回顧先了解相關理論並建立探討議題的基礎,再以產業狀況、個案的公司網站、研究資料、相關報導、財報和次級資料等作探討,因而得出研究結果如下:1. 傳統水龍頭貿易公司的白地市場為醫療產業,且能由傳統產業跨足到醫療產業的產品是3D列印。2. 傳統水龍頭貿易公司的創新轉型經營模式,在於找到取得更高附加價值產品的相關技術和服務之方式,建立新技術和新產品的學習曲線,並結合商業模式創新,成為整合型貿易公司,以提升自身的核心競爭力和企業價值。 The purpose of this research is to study business innovation and transformation strategies of traditional trading companies when it faces a low price and matured market competition. We first review related literature including core competence, innovation and business models. Then we investigate faucet industry for case studies and propose our strategies for its future growth. Main results are as follows.1. We suggest the white space for traditional faucet trading companies be the medical industry. And the product that we propose for faucet companies to enter the medical industry is 3-D printing. 2. The innovation and growth potential of the faucet industry depends on its ability to obtain high value added service or products. In other words, they have to acquire new technologies or establish a new business model to become a diversified trading company.