行動銀行結合了資訊科技與金融服務,提供銀行顧客相對於實體銀行更多的方便性,又隨著網際網路快速發展,使得網路逐步成為業者與顧客間最重要的溝通管道之一,奠定了銀行業電子商務的發展基礎,藉以朝向永續經營之目標邁進。當個人化金融業務之規模日漸擴大,取代了銀行業者傳統金融服務,國內各家業者為了因應業界的激烈競爭,甚至在保留既有顧客與獲取更多潛在顧客之目標下,陸續發展完善的行動銀行且推廣差異化服務,進而創造自身的競爭能力。然而目前行動銀行使用量仍未在國內普及,因此探討影響顧客採用行動銀行之因素,將得以完善地瞭解其使用意圖,盼有助於業者更能發掘顧客需求。本研究將以結合科技接受模式與計畫行為理論之整合科技接受模式作為基本理論架構,同時導入人格特質中的嚴謹自律性特質及經驗開放性特質二外部變數,欲透過綜合性之模型解釋顧客對於使用行動銀行之意圖,以發放實體問卷之方式收集樣本,並利用迴歸方程式與結構方程式一併進行驗證整體架構。研究結果顯示,整合科技接受模式能夠有效衡量顧客對於行動銀行之使用意圖,然而以人格特質作為外部變數的設定中,經驗開放性僅對於知覺易用性有顯著地正向影響,而嚴謹自律性更是對於各變數皆未有顯著地影響,顯示不同的人格特質不易產生相關知覺信念而衍伸至行為意圖,本研究將就此結果提出學術及實務上之意涵,作為銀行業者日後發展程式之開發。 Mobile banking, which combines with informative technologies and financial services, provides more convenience to customers. As developing rapidly in recent years, the network becomes a cornerstone of the mobile banking application. When the scale of the personal finance business expands, both customers and service providers focus on whether the mobile banking has competitive function. However, the mobile banking hasn’t been generally adopted by customers. Thus, it is important to find out the factors which will affect the customers’ behavioral intentions of using mobile banking.This study has tried to take combined technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior as the basic theoretical framework, and import personalities of conscientious and openness to experience two external variables. The model was to explain the customers’ intentions of using mobile banking, analyzed via 349 effective questionnaires. The results showed that the combined technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior can measure customers’ behavioral intention of use mobile banking, but personalities are only partially effective as external variables of the model.