現今資訊科技的發達,和智慧化與行動化的訴求下,智慧型手機(Smart Phone)市場步入了成熟期的階段,人手一機已成為普遍的現象,智慧型手機已經不再是商務人士專用,而是普遍大眾皆擁有的產品,而智慧型手機廠商也紛紛推出功能性、實用性、以及更能貼近我們生活的產品。手機製造商與作業系統的整合,也讓市場競爭更加激烈的原因之一,各家廠商在軟體、硬體、通訊平台及作業平台上進行整合與研發創新的動作,為了就是可以推出更優質的產品,搶下更高的市佔率,就在2013年,全年度智慧型手機出貨量達到了9億4,500萬支,年成長幅度為33.5%,說明了智慧型手機的市場有無限的潛能,而在智慧型手機產業當中也出現了越來越多家廠商來瓜分這塊市場。本研究主要透過動態競爭理論和個案分析來探討個案公司宏達電在智慧型手機市場的競爭分析、發展軌跡、以及現況,並針對研究的結果給予建議並做出結論。從研究的結果可以得知,宏達電的競爭策略為「機海策略」,以發表多款手機的方式來取得市佔率並企圖贏過競爭對手,而這樣的競爭方式也從市佔率可以看出似乎已不符合現今的產業環境。智慧型手機產業發展至今已進入到了成熟期,並且重點已移往中低階市場,而宏達電也掌握到產業的動態變化,推出中低價手機,希望在中低階市場可以獲得更多的市佔率,也同時可以穩固高階市場的發展,希望在智慧型手機市場中可以繼續維持優勢,並站穩腳步。產業的變化是快速且不可預期的,必須要隨時掌握趨勢,因應不同的競爭環境作出不同的回應,透過不斷的破壞式創新來維持自身的競爭優勢,在智慧型手機產業亦是如此,觀察到產業的脈動,並強化自身的競爭實力,才能在競爭激烈的市場中不被淘汰。 In a high technologic society with requirements of mobility, the market of smart phone is in a maturity stage. It is common to possess a smart phone with you and now it is not only for business people, but also for everyone. And the manufacturers also keep producing new product, either in function or uses. The integration of manufacturers and operating system intensify market competition. In order to produce a better product and get high market share, the manufacturers integrated and innovated the software, hardware, communication system and operating system. In 2013, the amount of smart phone produced is more than 945 million and the rate of annual growth is 33.5%. It shows there is no upper limit in the market of smart phone and many manufacturers share this market. The case study explored some points is about a smart phone company named “HTC” through the dynamic competitive theory, AMC views, and the points included the competitive analysis, trajectory of development and problems faced. According to the result of study, the suggestions and conclusion are also proposed. According to the result of study, the strategy HTC used "multi-machine strategy." Getting high market share and defeating rivals by selling a variety of smart phones. But it seems not appropriate in the market nowadays. The market of smart phone is in a maturity stage and focus on the middle and low level market. HTC has leveraged the change of market and released new products with lower price, hoping to get more share in the middle and low level market. Also it tries to maintain the position in the high-level market at the same time. The change of industry is fast and unpredictable. We must keep following the market trend and face different situations by different strategies. Keeping the advantages you have by disruptive innovations continuously. Keep scanning the trend and strengthening your competitive advantage, and you will survive from the fierce competitive market.