衛生環境的改善與生活型態的轉變,使得人們健康意識開始抬頭。醫療的進步與醫藥衛生觀念的提升,預防醫療的概念開始普及。人們開始逐漸的關心身處的環境品質。環境舒適指標包含溫度、相對濕度、照度、噪音與二氧化碳。其中我們針對溫度、濕度與二氧化碳進行監控與紀錄。建立一個環境品質監控系統以調節室內空氣品質並監控甲醛、揮發性有機化合物與一氧化碳等有害氣體的濃度。當環境舒適度未達標準時將會啟動相關設備,而當有害氣體濃度超標時將會發出警訊。我們希望透過這些即時的資料,本系統能幫助人們做出正確與及時的決策,並維持一個有利的環境在監控的區域中。 The improvement of sanitary conditions and changes of life style making people’shealth awareness began to rise. The progress of medical and the promotion ofmedicine and health, the concept of preventive healthcare is widespread. Peoplebegin to concern about the quality of the environment where they stayed.The environmental comfort index include temperature, related humidity, illumination, noise and carbon dioxide. Among these, we monitor and record the values of temperature, related humidity and carbon dioxide. We built an environment quality monitoring system, which can adjust the air quality in door and monitor the concentration of harmful gases like formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. If the environment comfort value is not up to standard, the related equipment will be turned on. The system will alert if the content of harmful gases exceed the standard. We hope that based on these real-time data, the proposed system can help people make right and timely decisions, and act on time to maintain a beneficial environment in the monitored area.