在雲端技術熱門的現在,無論是政府、企業或是個人都可能有需要使用到雲端服務。隨著雲端服務需求增加,雲端基礎設施的建設的需求也相對提升。為了讓大量的使用者使用雲端的服務,經常需要使用到大量的雲端伺服器來滿足需求,這會花費大量的電力,但是服務並非隨時都被大量的存取,在低使用率的期間若保持大量的伺服器運作,就會造成不必要的電力浪費。本研究的目的是基於雲端三種服務中的基礎建設服務,利用開放原始碼技術,整合KVM 和Libvirt等開放原始碼軟體,在雲端裡建置一個虛擬機監控管理平台,利用SNMP 偵測伺服器與虛擬機的運作情形,對每一個伺服器與虛擬機加上PowerCap 並計算整體使用效率,最後透過Live migration 技術遷移虛擬機,並關閉閒置的雲端伺服器,達到節能的效果。我們也建置一個讓使用者操作的介面,透過這個介面來管理、監控系統的運作情形。在實驗中透過PDU 記錄電力消耗的情況,證明我們能有效的利用硬體資源並根據數據分析結果。 With the popularity of cloud computing due to increasing requests for cloud services,the demand for building better cloud infrastructure is increasing. To allowa large number of users to simultaneously use cloud services, a lot of cloud serversare used to meet the demand, resulting in a huge amount of power consumption.But many services are not being accessed all the time; during periods of low usage,if lots of servers keep working, it will cause unnecessary power waste. The aimof this thesis is based on the Cloud service Infrastructure as a Service, use KVMand libvirt to build cloud environments; in addition, we calculate effective powerconsumption by writing a PHP program to collect host and VM information tocalculate the efficiency of the entire system resource. By giving every host andVM a power cap, we perform live-migration on VMs and shutdown idle hosts tosave power. We also build an interface that enables users to monitor virtual machinesand physical machines. In the experiment, we use PDU to record the powerconsumption information, and from analysis of these data we prove that we canmore effectively utilize hardware resources and save power.