Abstract: | 隨著資訊的發達,生活型態的改變,旅遊觀光休閒的風氣盛行,跟團旅行已不再是唯一的旅遊方式。隨著自由行的門檻越來越低,許多人開始利用網路來取得各種旅遊相關的資訊,安排規劃自己的旅遊行程。 基於這樣的環境趨勢,我們設計了一套自助旅行旅遊資訊系統,稱為IEBSR (Itinerary Editing, Browsing, Sharing and Recommendation),此系統包含了行程編輯、行動瀏覽、行程分享與行程推薦等4個子系統,來協助使用者更容易進行自助旅行。在IEBSR的架構下,本論文的研究主軸為行動瀏覽子系統之設計與實作。 使用者完成自訂的旅遊行程後,在過去大多只能以郵件備份,或是列印出紙本,以紙張書面的形式呈現,記載的資訊有限,進行資訊檢視並不全面,對於處在外地的背包客們來說,有些時候,並不方便使用。自助旅行者需要的是更有效率、更快速便利地檢視行程中的全面資訊。在最近幾年中,智慧型手機與平板電腦迅速的成長,現今普及率已非常高,幾乎人手一機。這些行動裝置的特性,正是對於處在外地的背包客最好的輔助工具。 在IEBSR的架構下,使用者可以使用一個Web形式的旅遊行程編輯子系統自行規劃旅遊行程。當使用者出發後,身處外地,藉由行動瀏覽子系統的協助,利用智慧型行動裝置的特性,並結合Google Maps,讓使用者在外地時可以隨時隨地的快速檢視之前搜集、整理好的旅遊資訊,並且可以及時利用第三方資訊系統檢索其他外部資訊,例如即時的路線規劃,獲取景點周遭的圖片或近期資訊;其中離線模式的功能,特別針對在無網路的情況下依然能夠檢視重要資訊。我們相信行動裝置上的行程瀏覽子系統能對在外旅遊的背包客們提供最好的幫助。 In recent years, backpacking becomes much more popular. When backpackers travel around an unfamiliar area, they usually want to check the information of the itinerary effectively, quickly and conveniently. We believe that the best tools to assist backpackers are their personal mobile devices, such as Smart Phones and Tablet PCs, which are in high penetration nowadays. To meet the trend of travel type transition, we have designed an e-tourism system, named IEBSR (Itinerary Editing, Browsing, Sharing and Recommendation), which is composed of four subsystems, namely Itinerary Editing, Mobile Browsing, Itinerary Sharing and Itinerary Recommendation, to assist users to carry out backpacking easier. Based on the prototype implementation of Itinerary Editing and Recommendation of IEBSR, this study focuses on Mobile Browsing. In IEBSR, backpackers can use the Web-based Itinerary Editor to customize an itinerary. After they depart and are going to visit a site, they can check the information stored in their itinerary easily in their personal mobile devices, such as the description of the site, transportation hints, and to-do list. With built-in GPS and other sensors, the devices can automatically show the maps and many other useful information of the site from 3rd information systems, such as Google Maps, official and wiki websites (if exist), and so on. The Mobile Browsing subsystem also supports an offline mode. The devices can cache essential information of the itinerary in advance so that users can check the information when Internet is not accessible. As a result, this application can provide best supports to backpackers to carry out a wonderful self-guided travel. |