傳統的日式燒酎釀造,使用穀物的澱粉質原料,需先將原料加熱蒸煮,使澱粉糊化後,再利用單行或並行複式發酵步驟釀酒。採用生米麴法可對生澱粉直接糖化和發酵,具有省略蒸煮、節省時間,操作容易等優點,但是釀造過程易出現發酵遲緩、醪液酸敗、出酒率下降等問題,因此有必要探討適合生料發酵的條件。 本試驗分為三部分,首先為生米酒麴之製造,再來為生米發酵條件的探討,最後為蒸餾收集酒液並進行香氣成分分析。取粉碎之生米粉分別接種米酒釀造酵母菌Saccharomyces peka和具有糖化水解生澱粉能力之根黴菌Rhizopus formosensis,培養七天製成生米酒麴,培麴期間糖化?之活性最高可達到120.8 units/g dry koji。取培養好之生米酒麴和生米粉加適量之水進行生米酒精發酵,理想的生米釀酒條件為15%(w/w)之酒麴用量、粉碎度35mesh以上之生米粉、發酵溫度25~30℃、醪液添加乳酸調整pH於4.6;發酵七天後得到酒醪,其出酒率最高可達到61.62%。酒醪經由蒸餾收集酒液並分析其成份,除了乙醇和水外,亦含有多種微量之香氣成份,主要以高級醇為主,醇類中最多成份為異戊醇,亦含有多種酯類化合物,以乙酸乙酯和乳酸乙酯為主,生米發酵酒也能產生多量之β-苯乙醇。本實驗經由利用生米酒麴以及生米原料發酵後,再經過蒸餾可製成米燒酎。 In traditional rice shochu brewing, grain materials must be cooked before the micro enzymic saccharification and alcoholic fermentation proceed . A simplified process in distilled spirit brewing made with raw rice material and raw rice koji to skip rice cooking step for easy operation, but the process may cause slow fermentation or spoilage and low production yield, so there is need to explore a suitable fermentation conditions for raw material brewing of shochu. This study is divided into three parts, the brewing began with making of raw rice koji, followed by fermentation conditions for rice wine, the final part is alcoholic distillation and aroma analysis. Koji was made of uncooked rice with Saccharomyces peka, the wine yeast and amylase producting fungi, Rhizopus formosensis. The koji was used to inoculate the raw rice material. In culture period of brew starter,glucoamylase activity can reach to 120.8 units/g dry koji in seven days.The ideal fermentation condition is 15% (w/w) koji inocution, 35mesh raw rice partical size, temperature 25~30℃ and lactic acid added to pH4.6 . Crude wine obtained after 7 days fermentation.Liquor yield reached to 61.62%. The flavor of rice spirit which is mainly high alcohols . The major content is Isobutanol and higher content of ethyl acetate. And a large amount of 2-phenylethanol. Raw shochu brewing can be done with raw rice koji combined with uncooked rice method in this study.