本研究目的是依據國外學者對幸福感所提出的統整性內涵,編製一份評估國人飲食幸福感程度的衡鑑工具。「飲食幸福感量表」以過去學者提出的食物幸福感四大構面(Block et al., 2011)為基準,包括生理幸福感、心理幸福感、情緒幸福感與社會幸福感四大向度。飲食幸福感的題項根據過去學者研究之幸福感題項與理論作為題目設計之依據,經由專家效度,項目分析、因素分析進行題項刪減,最後,以結構方程模式驗證「飲食幸福感量表」之適配度。研究對象為台灣地區之一般民眾,為使的量表更能普遍運用在各群體,採用配額抽樣,依照各年齡區間抽樣比例計算出各年齡層抽樣人數,預試問卷樣本為103份,正式問卷使用樣本為600份(回收有效樣本628份),分別進行因素分析(萃取出生理、心理、情緒與社會四個因素)與驗證性因素分析。全量表共有21題,採likert六點量尺作答。此量表整合了國內外學者之幸福感文獻與飲食作聯結,透過量化方式檢驗台灣地區一般民眾之樣本,使量表可普遍運用在各個群體。結果顯示,整體模式適配度良好,量表之信效度經過統計分析,各個構面皆具有良好的組合信度、區別效度與收斂效度,全量表信度0.864,顯示本量表是一份有效的評量工具。最後,針對本量表未來研究方向提出相關建議。 The purpose of this study is to establish a scale evaluating dietary well-being, which composed of four dimensions: physical well-being, psychological well-being, emotional well-being, and social well-being. The dietary well-being scale employs a questionnaire with items created via academic literature, trimed via analysis of expert validity and factor analysis. The dietary well-being scale is a 6-point Likert scale and was tested by the goodness-of-fit of structural equation models. Based on a quota sampling of the entire Taiwan population in terms of age, 103 participants took pre-tests of the questionnaire and 628 participants took post-tests. Factor analyses and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to group the 21 items into four categories: physical, psychological, emotional, and social. Results of this study showed that the overall fittness of this model is good. Each dimension is of good reliability (cronbach’s α coefficient = 0.864), discriminant validity, and convergent validity. At the end of the study, recommendations and the directions of future research are addressed.