在過去眾多的供應鏈資訊分享研究,已經進行了各項因素的效益分析,如不同資訊分享的程度、不同的需求模式、各項成本因素等影響,證明資訊分享存在的價值。然而本研究發現文獻對於製造商產能的研究是相當薄弱的。一直以來對於過去研究中的一階廠商零售商與二階廠商製造商運作模式的假設是相同的。本研究認為必須考量製造商生產特性,才能夠將此系列的研究擴展到製造業維度。本研究在過往的資訊分享模型中,加入的製造商的總體規劃方法:模擬最佳化產能規劃法。並將模擬最佳化產能規劃法與一般啟發式的產能規劃法進行比較。其中採用的一般啟發式的產能規劃法包含平均產能規劃法與追逐需求產能規劃法。本研究篩選了因子,需求的常數截距項(d_c)、自我相關係數(ρ_c)、需求的標準差(σ_c)以及製造商設備例行的維修比例(z_M),以製造商利潤作為衡量績效指標,探討各資訊分享程度下,各別參數組合與整體參數組合下,製造商的三種產能策略之間是否具有顯著差異。本研究實驗結果發現製造商的總體規劃策略,採用模擬最佳化產能規劃法能在無資訊分享、資訊分享1與資訊分享2的各別16個參數組合裡,均顯著優於平均產能規劃與追逐需求產能規劃。整體比較方面,製造商的總體規劃策略在無資訊分享與資訊分享1時的整體參數組合裡,採用模擬最佳化產能規劃法均顯著優於平均產能、追逐需求產能規劃。此外,當製造商從平均產能策略變換為模擬最佳化產能策略之後平均利潤提升16.69%;而其從追逐需求產能策略變換為模擬最佳化產能策略之後平均利潤提升20.34%。 Many previous studies regarding information sharing of the supply chain had shown the value of information sharing by investigating various factors to affect its benefit including different levels of information sharing, different demand models, and various unit costs. However, this research finds out that little studies were done about capacity planning. The assumption of similar operating models between the retailer and manufacturer was usually made in previous studies. This research propose that the manufacturer must consider the capacity property, so the literature can be extended to analyze the real manufacturing sector.This research develops simulation-based optimization planning method as a method of aggregate planning added to the existing models of information sharing, and using simulation-based optimization planning method compare to the two heuristic methods of aggregate planning. Those two methods are the average capacity planning method and the chase demand planning method. Base on previous study, four factors are selected to experimental design in this study: intercept constant of demand (d_c), autocorrelation of demand (ρ_c), volatility of demand (σ_c) and routine maintenance percentage of manufacturer (z_c). The profit of the manufacturer is considered as the performance measure. In each level of information sharing, this study plans to discover if there are significant differences among the result of three capacity planning methods under each individual combination of parameters as well as the overall combination.In each level of information sharing, this research find out simulation-based optimization planning method can get significantly higher profit than both average capacity planning method and chase demand planning method under all individual combinations of parameter. In no information sharing and information sharing-1, the simulation-based optimization planning method can achieve significantly higher profit than average capacity planning method and chase demand planning method under overall combination. Furthermore, this research discover that the manufacturer can increase 16.69% average profit by changing the average capacity planning method to the simulation-based optimization planning method and can enhance 20.34% average profit by changing the average capacity planning method to the simulation-based optimization planning method.