本研究以「PZB服務品質模式」缺口五的概念為基礎,並參考醫療產業「內部服務品質因子」,與領導風格相關研究。透過文獻探討,發展出「主管領導風格問卷」與「工作滿意度評量問卷」進行調查。目的在於了解工作者對主管領導風格的期望與其實際感受之間的差異,與不同領導風格對工作滿意度造成的影響。本研究針對台灣中部地區某醫學中心的醫護人員進行問卷的發放,共發出80份問卷,回收63份,回收率78.75%。其中剃除無效問卷6份,有效問卷57份。研究結果發現,主管領導風格明顯與否對醫護人員工作滿意度的影響有顯著差異。醫護人員能清楚感受主管領導風格特色時,工作滿意度較高;醫護人員無法清楚感受到主管領導風格特色時,工作滿意度較低。主管領導風格特色較明顯的情形下,任務導向特色較明顯的主管,其領導之醫護人員工作滿意度較低;關係導向與變革導向特色較明顯時,其領導之醫護人員工作滿意度較高。結果顯示,主管除了重視工作上的要求之外,同時也需適時的關心其所領導的醫護人員,方能提升醫護人員的工作滿意度。 In this study, two questionnaire which are Leadership style and Job satisfaction are developed based on gap five of the PZB service quality model. The purpose of the study is to understand nurses’ cognition of his/her manager’s leadership style. Meanwhile, to reveal the impact of leadership style on job satisfaction.In this study, objects are nurses at a medical center in Taichung area. A total of 80 questionnaires were issued, 63 were retrieved with a rate of 78.75%. There are 57 out of 63 are valid. It is shown that a conspicuous leadership style has great impact on nurses’ job satisfaction. Nurses have a clear perception of their manager’s leadership style, their job satisfaction is higher than those who have not. Under the circumstances of leadership style is conspicuous, either the style is relationship-oriented or change-oriented, nurses have high job satisfaction.It is shown that besides emphasizing on job’s request, manager should care about nurses whom he/she guides timely to enhance his/her subordinates’ job satisfaction.