台灣自行車產業在經歷數十年發展後,目前在全球扮演舉足輕重的角色,而成功自創品牌GIANT的台灣成車廠商-巨大機械,除了在台灣自行車市場長期為領導地位外,在國際市場更是產值最大的自行車製造商。巨大機械創立至今經歷代工、自創品牌等過程;過去研究者發現巨大機械並未完全遵從Hobday(1995)所提出的升級路徑,其自創品牌後並未捨去代工業務,而是同時保有代工與品牌兩種經營模式。目前巨大機械為增加自行車騎乘人口而跨入服務,除了投入YouBike系統外,更成立捷安特旅行社,開始兼營製造與服務的經營模式;透過合作與學習,補足進入服務領域所缺乏的資源與能力。企業是由資源所組成,面對變化快速的環境時,企業必須以利用、創造、獲取、釋放等動態能力,對企業資源庫進行修改,補充及更新不足的資源與能力。本研究主要探討巨大機械投入建置YouBike系統,以及成立捷安特旅行社所建構的資源與能力,透過分析歸納訪談及文獻得出實證結果,發現巨大機械透過與台北市政府、微程式資訊公司等多個單位合作與學習,運用自身所擁有的資源與能力,不斷對自身資源庫進行修正,提供不同於實體產品的服務商品,為提升自行車騎乘人口而努力。 Following the gradual development of the Taiwanese bicycle industry over several decades, Taiwan has turned into a key player in this industry in the world. In addition to maintaining a long-term leadership position in the Taiwanese bicycle market, Giant-the Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer of the successful self-created brand GIANT, is also the bicycle manufacturer with the largest production volume on international markets. Since its inception, Giant has undergone a development process from an OEM manufacturer to a self-created brand. Past studies have found that Giant has not completely followed the upgrade path proposed by Hobday(1995). Even after the creation of its own brand it still continues to provide OEM services, maintaining a dual business model. The company currently focuses on expansion of its service range to increase the number of bicycle riders in Taiwan. In addition to participation in the YouBike system, Giant has also established the Giant travel Agency Co., thereby initiating a new business model which is characterized by a simultaneous focus on manufacture and service. And resources and capabilities required for the new services area are replenished through cooperation and learning.Enterprises rely on a large variety of resources. Facing a rapidly changing environment, Enterprises are forced to make adjustments and replenish their resource pools through leveraging, creating, accessing, and releasing in a dynamic fashion in order to update required resources and capabilities. This study mainly explores Giant’s participation in the YouBike system as well as the creation of resources and capabilities through the establishment of the Giant travel Agency Co. Empirical results have been obtained through analysis, induction, interviews, and a literature review. This study has found that Giant fully utilizes its own resources and capabilities and makes constant adjustments to its resource base to gain the ability to provide services that differ from its actual products through cooperation and learning from various units such as Taipei City Government and Microprogram Co., Ltd. with the goal of increasing the number of bicycle users.