本研究主要目的有二:其一在於設計並自製一套產生次微米級氣泡的裝置。這裝置採用次微米級通孔濾片搭配機械力來生成次微米級微氣泡,其二在探討不同操作條件下氣泡的生成與其隨靜置時間的變化。因此本論文的主要結果分為以兩部份先後呈現。由於本研究是藉由次微米尺寸通孔所生成之次微米級粒徑的氣泡,因此先提及的是次微米級通孔濾片的製備,然後是微氣泡裝置的設計與試驗,及轉速與氣泡粒徑關係的探討。在次微米級通孔濾片製備部分,我們使用半導體製程中的微影技術及濕式蝕刻技術在矽晶圓上鑿出次微米級通孔。選擇此系統製備次微米通孔濾片主要是因必須同時兼顧濾片抗壓強度以及孔徑大小兩者相斥的因素,且相較於其他製程,濕製程是經濟成本較低的一種蝕刻方式;我們使用氫氧化鉀作為蝕刻液的主成分,以表面粗度儀(α-stepper)進行表面粗糙度及深度分析。在特定條件下,透過計算可得知形成次微米級通孔所需的時間,並在不同時間下以掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)追蹤孔徑大小及深度,直到形成通孔為止。而在微氣泡產生方面,本研究透過界面活性劑,來穩定氣泡的粒徑並降低氣泡合併的可能性,藉此探討高轉速搭配次微米通孔濾片下所生成的氣泡粒徑的範圍。 The main purpose of this research is to design a system and construct an apparatus to generate submicron bubbles by the combination of submicron channeled silicon wafers and a high-speed rotator, and to investigate the diameter variation of submicron bubbles generated at different circumstances. The research divides into two parts:One is about the preparation of the silicon wafers and the other is about the size of the bubbles from the generator. Bubbles of submicron size are expected to be generated by the combination and the evolution of the bubble size is also discussed.In the preparation of the silicon wafers, photolithography and wet- etching process were applied to realize the submicron channels by the balance between mechanical strength and porosity. Comparatively, wet-etching is more cost effective to produce channels in the wafers. Potassium hydroxide was the key component of the etchant. Periodic examinations of the etched depth and the size of pattern scanning electron microscopy and alpha-stepper helped to capture the etching time with exact precision.With the addition of surfactant, the bubble generator is used to produce submicron bubbles of various sizes and the dependence of the size on the speed of the rotor and the concentration of surfactant were studied in accompany with the evolution of the bubble size of increasing age