由於高齡少子化與生活品質的提升,使得飼養寵物的風氣越來越盛行,而寵物中以犬類居冠,在越來越重視家犬健康與福利之下,社會大眾對於獸醫師所提供服務的內容需求也相對的越來越廣泛與專精,寵物行為及諮詢與治療即是其中之一。國內動物保護法第十一條規定,飼主對於受傷或罹病之動物,應給與必要之醫療。台灣每年因車禍傷害造成犬隻殘障不計其數,如肢體萎縮老化等,就靠前腳爬動拖行,導致下肢皮破血流;而癱瘓截肢或是更嚴重等,只能選擇安樂死來結束動物的生命。而殘障犬隻其實和肢體殘障人士一樣,需要依靠義肢、輪椅等輔助器具才能方便活動,這些輔具只能仰賴美國、日本進口,或由獸醫製作簡易輔具來替代,在價格、測量及使用上產生許多問題,也缺乏專業設計與臨床評估等考量。以後肢障礙犬為對象,透過專家訪談及觀察深入瞭解問題後,以品質機能展開法(Quality Function Deployment、QFD)應用設計為研究主要議題。驗證發現後肢障礙犬對於輔具主要問題包括結構耐用性、安全性、操控性、穿脫便利性與價格成本等。經由品質機能展開法所得到安全性設計、操控便利性設計、實用耐用性設計為輔具設計開發重點,並以概念設計完成以犬類需求為基礎之輔具。 The trend、elder and less of children、of purchasing life quality、pets is more popular. In pets、dogs are the top one population. It causes the consideration ofthe health and benefits for pets and how to heal and help the behaviors and mental problems of pets is necessary. According to the law of animal protection No.11、the pet owner has the responsibility to take care the injured animal. A lot of animals are hurt and get injured by car accident in Taiwan. It is just like a death penalty for those animals. It is painful for them. Therefore、the owner usually decides to end up the life of pets. However、those injured animals are just like the disable human in our society. All they need is the assistive technologies、something like wheel chair and cane to help them easily move. In Taiwan、injured pet can only rely on the subsidiary wheel chair which is imported from U.S. or Japan. Few veterinary invent some simple tool to substitute. However、there are lots of problems about price and size. Not even mention the usage. The lack of professional design and experience also cause a lot of problems. Focus the handicap dogs、use observation and interview the feeders and doctors to probe into the problem than use the Quality Function Deployment method to establish the product developing process that base on the demand of dogs and integrating the development technique of the product function、etc. Via the development and design of assistants.The research shows that the main problem for dogs』 rear legs healing assistant equipment has some compromising issues in functionality、durability、reliability、cost、wearable and safety concerns.An conceptual design also implemented based on those requirements.