寵物的飼養在台灣地區與中國上海兩地區是受歡迎,寵物飼主以飼養貓與狗占有約八成的高比率,兩岸飼主均同意以『視寵物如家人』的心態來飼養寵物,因此如何選擇寵物商品消費購買地點的寵物通路是寵物飼主關心與注意的議題;本研究以兩岸有飼養寵物的消費者、台灣地區寵物業連鎖通路店家業者、台灣地區寵物業供應商、與在中國經營寵物業供應商的台商為研究對象,採用面對面問卷調查法與一對一深度訪談來進行;針對寵物飼養現況、飼養行為、消費行為、品牌概念、寵物業通路店家營運現況、寵物業供應商營運現況為研究分析主軸,進行相關聯性分析、比較、研究;導出在兩岸如何經營寵物業通路營運的新模式,讓兩岸寵物業的發展能邁向另一個高峰。觀察兩岸寵物飼主對寵物商品消費購買的習性比較,有顯著差異的消費思維現象;透過本研究要如何在兩岸經營寵物通路是因地而異,基於符合市場兼具有獲利模式確保競爭優勢,須靠兩岸寵物業通路經營團隊共同努力,開創寵物飼主、寵物通路商、寵物供應商『三贏』的局面。 Pet ownership has become very popular in Taiwan and Shanghai, China. Dogs and cats are the most popular pets, owned by 80% of households with pets. Pet owners from both Taiwan and Shanghai are humanizing their pets and treating their pets as members of their family. This humanizing trend has major impacted on pet owners’ buying behavior like where to shop and how to care to their loved pets.The purpose of this study was to understand retail pet product buyers in Taiwan and Shanghai. A questionnaire survey with in-depth face to face interviews was conducted with pet owners, pet store owners and operators, and pet product suppliers located both in Taiwan and Shanghai. This interview and survey topics included pet ownership, feeding behavior, pet owner buying behaviors, pet product brand recognitions, retail pet store operations, and pet product suppliers operations. A comparative retail pet product analysis based on above survey and interview results was conducted using Associated Study, Comparative Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. This study result was to identify an innovative business model to support the growth of retail pet industry both in Taiwan and Shanghai. This study explored consumer buying behavior differences between pet owners in Taiwan and Shanghai. There were significant differences of consumer behavior based on the survey result. This study further explored resolutions to support retail pet industry participants to create a most profitable business model with competitive advantages operation in Taiwan and Shanghai, China. In order to create such a win-win situation, Taiwanese and Shanghai’s retail pet store operators and pet product suppliers must collaborate as a team.