領導風格與組織的支持是影響員工工作態度及員工向心力的重要因素,本研究探討家長式領導風格與員工心理資本對顧客導向行為之影響,並以工作年資與分配公平作為干擾效果。本研究以某公司銷售人員為母群體,公司銷售人員共 88 位 ,並收回有效問卷共 81 份 ,且以 CFA 統計模式進行以家長式領導(仁慈領導、德行領導與威權領導)及心理資本為自變數,顧客導向行為為應變數,工作年資及分配公平為干擾變數分析。本研究結果顯示家長式領導之德行領導對於顧客導向行為有顯著正向影響;心理資本對顧客導向行為也有顯著正向影響。再者,以工作年資進行干擾變數,發現資淺的員工對於家長式領導之德行領導與顧客行為導向有顯著正向影響 ; 分配低公平對於心理資本有顯著正面影響。【關鍵字】家長式領導、心理資本、顧客導向行為 The key factors to impact on the attitudes and centripetal force of employees are leadership style and organizational support. The purpose of this research is to investigate how paternalistic leadership style and psychological capital affect the customer oriented behaviour and to explore the moderating role of working seniority and distributional justice in the relationship between paternalistic leadership style and psychological capital and customer oriented behaviour. The questionnaire was distributed to 88 sales representatives and there were 81 received valid questionnaires. In CFA statistic model, the independent variables are paternalistic leadership style including benevolent leadership, moral leadership and authoritarian leadership, and psychological capital. The dependent variable is customer oriented behaviour and the confounding factors include working seniority and distributional justice. The study results showed that moral leadership of paternalistic leadership had a significant positive impact on customer oriented behaviour. Furthermore, taking working seniority as a moderating variable, it was found that junior employees were significantly positively affected for moral leadership of paternalistic leadership and customer oriented behaviour; distributional justice has a significant positive impact on the relationship between psychological capital and customer oriented behaviour.Keywords: Paternalistic leadership, psychological capital, customer-oriented