Abstract: | 為保護國家特有之自然風景、野生物及史蹟,並供國民之育樂及研究而成立國家公園,墾丁國家公園是台灣第一個國家公園、位於台灣的最南端,擁有豐富的海洋資源及陸地資源,是重要的熱帶生態資源和景觀地區。但由於人們對於國家公園內景觀資源之認知不足及無限制運用資源發展經濟活動等,而衍生不當的行為活動及不當的經營管理,使得許多景觀資源漸漸消失或已遭受破壞。景觀資源具有一定之價值性,但其無法從市場獲得價值,本研究以條件評估法來評估不具有市場價值之景觀資源,可顯示估計任何環境資產型態的總經濟價值,以了解遊客對於墾丁國家公園之景觀資源價值評定,並藉由態度量表法、以問卷為調查工具來獲取遊客對於景觀資源之認知及對墾丁國家公園之環境態度,並探討之間之關係。調查後結果,發現墾丁國家公園遊客對於景觀資源之認知達一定程度,對於墾丁國家公園之環境態度多數持環境應保育之態度,且不同遊客基本屬性,如:年齡、教育程度、職業、個人月所得、主要資訊來源等變項與遊客對景觀資源之認知及對墾丁國家公園之環境態度有顯著差異。而對於景觀資源之價值評定平均約七成之遊客都願意針對墾丁國家公園內景觀資源(包括大尖石山、熱帶海岸林、高位珊瑚礁、過境候鳥、沙灘景觀),且約有七成一之遊客願意針對整體景觀環境捐助相關資源維護費用,每位遊客平均每年願意捐助大尖山景觀資源維護費約331元、熱帶海岸林景觀資源維護費約348元、高位珊瑚礁景觀資源維護費約360元、過境候鳥景觀資源維護費約362元、沙灘景觀資源維護費約365元、整體景觀資源維護費約819元。整理相關結論,提出管理單位者及規劃設計單位未來對墾丁國家公園之景觀規劃設計建議,以作為相關單位與後續研究之參考。並作為後續墾丁國家公園針對遊客作相關之解說及環境教育之依據。 AbstractThe purpose of national parks is to preserve a country's unique landscape, wildlife, and cultural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations, and to serve as resources for science, education, recreation, and enlightenment. The Kenting National Park is the first national park locating at the southern tip of Taiwan. It have abundant marine resources and land resource, is the important tropical ecological and landscape resources. But some improper actives and misfit managements derive from people cognitive deficit landscape resources of the national park. People and tour use resources to develop economic activities, which make a lot of landscape resources disappear or destroy gradually.Landscape resources have certain values, but they have to understand value from the market. This research uses the contingent valuation method that can estimate the total economic values of any environmental type to understand visitors’ value judgments of landscape resources in the Kenting National Park. And use Likert scaling methods and questionnaires to know visitors’ cognition of landscape resources and environmental attitudes of the Kenting National Park, and to discuss the relation between them.The result after the investigation, find visitors have high cognition of landscape resources and that hold positive environmental attitudes in the Kenting National Park. And different visitors' attributes, for instance: Age, education degree, careers, personal monthly income, payout of entertainments and information source…etc., that have difference of cognition of landscape and environmental attitude of the Kenting National Park conspicuously.And on average about 70% of the visitors like to contribute to the landscape resources of the Kenting National Park, including Dajianshan, tropical strand forest, bird of passage, Kenting Uplifted Coral Reef, and sandy beach, each visitor would like to offer the landscape resource maintenance expense of about NT.331 of Dajianshan, about NT.348 of tropical strand forest, about NT. 392 of bird of passage, about NT.360 of Kenting Uplifted Coral Reef , about NT.362 of sandy beach and resource maintenance expense of whole landscape is about NT.819 every year on average.The results to prefer some suggestions of landscape design and planning in the Kenting National Park to managers and designers, and reference of follow-up study. And do relevant comments and bases of the environmental education to visitors as the follow-up of the Kenting National Park. |