本研究旨在瞭解國小學童的解釋風格與挫折容忍力之現況及其相關情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以台中市國小五、六年級的學生為研究對象。依台中市的行政區域劃分成四區,再依學校規模大小採分層叢集抽樣方法,進行問卷調查,有效樣本計有729份。研究工具為研究者改編之「國小學童解釋風格與挫折容忍力關係之問卷」。所得資料以SPSS軟體進行描述性統計分析、賀德臨T2考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析與多元逐步迴歸分析,以驗證相關之研究假設。茲將本研究之主要研究結果摘要如下:一、台中巿國小高年級學童解釋風格,整體而言在好事件方面的解釋風格微傾向樂觀解釋風格;壞事件解釋風格也較傾向樂觀解釋風格。二、台中巿國小高年級學童在學業及人際挫折容忍力方面皆有中等以上的程度。三、不同背景變項(性別、年級、父母教養方式)之台中市國小高年級學童在解釋風格有顯著差異:男生較女生在好事件解釋風格之個別性有較高的分數;六年級較五年級在壞事件解釋風格之永久性有較高的分數;民主權威較獨裁專制在好事解釋風格之永久性有較高的分數及寬鬆放任較民主權威在壞事解釋風格之普遍性有較高的分數。四、不同背景變項(年級、父母教養方式)之台中市國小高年級學童在挫折容忍力有顯著差異:五年級較六年級在學業挫折容忍力之三個向度及人際挫折容忍力的情緒感受挫折都有較高的分數;民主權威較獨裁專制在學業挫折容忍力的學業情緒感受挫折有較高的分數、民主權威分別較獨裁專制、寬鬆放任在人際挫折容忍力的人際冒險挫折皆有較高的分數、及民主權威較獨裁專制在人際行動取向挫折上有較高的分數。五、台中巿國小高年級學童的解釋風格與挫折容忍力兩者有相關性存在六、台中巿國小高年級學童解釋風格有顯著預測挫折容忍力。 最後根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育機關及未來研究參考。 This study was to understand the relationships between explanation styles, frustration tolerance of Fifth and Sixth Grades elementary school students . The study used a questionnaie survey method and the subjects were consisted from Fifth and Sixth Grades elementary School Students in Taichung City. The test instruments used in this study included Explanation Style Scale and Frustration Tolerance Scale. The data were analyzed by using Descriptive Analysis, Hotelling T2, MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression, in order to verify research hypotheses. The conclusions of the research were summarized as following:1. Students in the explanatory style in good events was little belonged to optimistic. There was also optimistic in the explanatory style in bad events. 2. Students had above average scores on the both of academic and interpersonal of frustration tolerance. 3. Boys had better scores on good events to personal cause than girls did. Sixth grade students had better scores on bad events to permanent cause than fifth grade students did. And authoritative parenting had better scores on good events to permanent cause then authoritarian parenting did . And permissive parenting had better scores on bad events to pervasiveness cause than authoritative parenting did .4. Fifth grade students had better scores on three subscales of academic frustration tolerance and on the interpersonal of frustration tolerance than sixth grade students did, respectively. And authoritative parenting had better scores on risk of interpersonal frustration tolerance than both authoritarian and permissive parenting did. In addition, authoritative parenting had better scores on action of interpersonal frustration tolerance than authoritarian parenting did. 5. There were significant correlations between explanatory style and frustration tolerance.6. Students perceptions of explanatory style could significantly predict their frustration tolerance. Finally, suggestions and implications for education and future studies are discussed.