Abstract: | 適地性服務(Location-based Service,LBS)係一種以位置為基礎提供的行動服務,透過使用者位置資訊提供相關的各種資訊服務。適地性服務早期應用於緊急救援及人員追蹤,但隨著科技的進步,,如今已擴展到生活層面的應用範疇,如社群、娛樂、餐飲、購物等等。近年來資通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology,ICT)不斷提升,智慧型手持裝置的興起,讓LBS適地姓服務有更好的發展,利用行動裝置可隨身隨時查詢興趣點(Point of Interest, POI)、導航,科技讓旅遊更便利,也讓使用者有更好的旅遊品質。本論文以行動導覽軟體結合全球定位服務,示範點為鹿港,作出適地性行動導覽服務與導客入店之成果。本研究以Android 智慧型手機結合Where am I之行動技術,定位出使用者位置後,在Google Map中顯示出使用者附近景點與店家,以方便使用者查詢喜愛的店家資訊與優惠內容,並可提供路徑規劃以導客入店之適地性行動導覽服務。另外,本研究對消費者與商家對適地性行動導覽的需求和滿意程度調查。我們發現使用者對於「能幫助我找到自己想要的商品服務」、「交通資訊能幫助我規劃路程」、「地圖功能能幫助我找到想去的商家」、「好康優惠能提供我實用的消費資訊」,皆有不錯的滿意度。此說明適地性行動嚮導,能完善提供遊客適地性的貼心服務,不僅能增添旅遊興致,且可提升旅遊品質,並可導客入店、增加商家營收,進一步促進整體商圈旅遊之便利性。 Location-based services (LBS) are information services that use information on the geographical position of the mobile device through the mobile network. This has become more important with the expansion of the smart phone and tablet as well. LBS are used in a variety of applications, such as E-commerce, travel, emergency rescue, personnel tracking , vehicles navigation, community and location friend, health, entertainment, advertising,…etc.The thesis aims at how to use the Location-based services to improve the journeys’ quality and increase the income of the stores. Based on mobile navigation technology, we use the Global Positioning System, mobile guide service and the store guide service to guide visitors into the stores. The Android-based smart-phone platform is used through “Where am I”, by using the users’ current locations to show the nearby “Point of Interest (POI)” on Google map. LBS is useful for visitors to find information, preferential programs what they are interesting, and navigating the stores.The proposed approach is implemented in Lugang area, which located in the central of Taiwan. The investigation is also included in the study. Several investigation items, such as “it can help me to find out what I want.”, ”the traffic information can help me to plan the travel route.”, “the map can show me the stores where I want to go.”, and “the preferential programs provide me the practical shopping information”...etc are included. It shows that the consumers and business owners satisfy our LBS mobile services. In summary, our proposed LBS mobile guide services have resulted that can provide a convenient service, attract more consumers to the stores, and increase the income of business. |