本研究以規劃能即時查詢急診醫療資訊為目的,使用MySQL做為資料庫儲存之工具,以PHP語言撰寫,設計一套急診醫療資訊系統,讓病患或病患家屬使用可上網之設備,藉由此系統輸入看診病患的身分證字號,查詢就診醫院的急診相關資訊:包括該病患的檢傷分級、看診人數、候診人數與該位病患的預估看診順位。若有需要使用到急診病床資源之病患,也可透過此系統得知急診室的床位使用狀況、等候床位人數與該位病患的預估等候順位。而有被分配到留觀床之病患,病患家屬能查詢該位病患的床位號碼。此外也能讓醫護人員透過此系統做候診與留觀區的相關資訊更新,讓病患與家屬能夠獲得最即時之急診醫療資訊。 The main purpose for this research is planning for instant access of information for Emergency Medical information. The system using MySQL database to storage data and design with Hypertext Preprocessor. The purpose for the system is to design an Emergency Medical information system for the convenient of patient, family or relatives to be able to access online, where they can access the system using the patient’s ID number, retrieving and checking for medical information related to patients which include such as: information of the patient’s ER Examination triage, total numbers of waiting or doing diagnosis patients, and an estimated number of patients on waiting list before patient.If there is an urgency for patients to use the Emergency beds the system will be able to provide information such as: the available beds at the Emergency room observation, total patients on waiting list and estimated number of patients on waiting list before patient.If the patient is awarded Emergency beds, the family or relative will be able to check for the information where the bed number of patients awarded. The doctor or nurse of the Emergency will be able to update the system frequently so that the information provided by the system is always on the latest when the families or relative is checking on the system.