本研究目的在探討共桌用餐對消費者情緒及行為意圖之影響,以M-R模型作為基礎並透過實驗室實驗法,操弄不同的人潮密度,探討在不同的社會密度下進行共桌用餐,消費者可能產生的情緒及行為意圖。研究對象為東海大學的學生,共回收有效問卷165份,並以t檢定與多元線性迴歸分析等進行分析。研究結果顯示人潮密度的不同,對於消費者的情緒也會產生不同的影響,且當消費者經由共桌用餐所產生的正面情緒與負面情緒,會影響到後續的行為意圖,如:負面情緒可能產生負面的口碑或不願意再次光顧等行為。故本研究建議餐飲服務業者在進行共桌用餐時,應針對用餐空間的規劃、座位擺設等多方作考量,以避免因為共桌用餐環境空間中的擁擠,而影響了顧客的用餐情緒,另外可藉由一些方法來降低顧客的負面情緒,例如:共桌用餐就贈送小菜或飲料一杯等,以安撫並提高顧客的正面情緒,並增加顧客之再訪意願,且同時達到餐廳空間容量的最大使用率。 The aim of this study is to explore the effect of table sharing on consumer emotions and behavioral intentions. This study is based on M-R environmental psychology model and it adopted experimental method to manipulate the different degree of human density, and to investigate how the conduct table sharing in different degree of human density could affect consumer emotions and behavioral intentions. Tunghai University students were recruited as research subject and 165 valid questionnaires were collected. T test and multiple linear regression were used for statistical analysis. The results revealed that different degree of human densities would lead to different effects on consumer emotion dimension, and it affects subsequent behavioral intentions, and may be negative on its reputation or make consumers unwilling to visit the restaurant again. To avoid crowded space and to improve customer's emotions in a table sharing, the research suggests that catering service industry should consider varies dimensions, which is especially on the planning of dining space and seating furnishings. In addition, to reduce the negative emotions, the catering service industry can offer dishes or beverages which is free to customer, and to increase the possibility of customer's revisiting intentions. It is also positive on making maximum utilization in restaurants.