Abstract: | 本研究將超音波作為降解及催化的媒介,而影響超音波聲化學效率的條件包含反應器型式與其頻率、功率的選擇,以及反應水體之pH 值與水中溶解氣體等變數。為達到無使用水處理藥劑的綠色化學目標,本研究嘗試以超音波結合同屬物化處理的微米氣泡,來提升對於水中低濃度新興汙染物降解效果,因此本研究採用了三種不同形式之反應器(P、SF、FTF),使用五種不同頻率(20、40、130、140、300),並個別進行pH 值3、5、7 的反應器特性測試,並進行5 mg/L 之布洛芬進行降解。並探討使用不同氣體(He、O2、N2、Air)產生之微米氣泡結合超音波反應器降解布洛芬效果的影響。並在研究中得知,在超音波聲化學測試以及布洛芬降解,皆在pH=3 有較佳的效果,其中以FTF-140 kHz 反應器有最穩定且最佳的反應效果,且在結合He、O2、N2 及Air 之微米氣泡降解5mg/L 之布洛芬分別有:52%、79%、37%、52%之去除率。而在中性pH =7 的條件下,單獨使用超音波或單獨使用微米氣泡均無法有效的去除布洛芬,但在研究中發現當使用空氣微米器泡結合超音波時,較僅使用超音波、僅使用微米氣泡時增加40%的降解效果。 In this study, ultrasound is employed to initiate chemical reactions in the abatement of organic contaminants in water. Factors affecting the sonochemical efficiency such as the reactor type, ultrasonic frequency, acoustic power, pH, and microbubbles were examined. The main objective of this study is to understand the effects of microbubbles in the enhancement of sonochemical degradation efficiency. The target compound selected for this study is Ibuprofen, an emerging contaminant frequently found in Taiwan's wastewater effluents. In experiments, three different types of reactors, including probe (P), single-face (SF), and face-toface (FTF), were used. Also, five different frequencies were tested, including 20 kHz, 40 kHz, 130 kHz, 140 kHz, and 300 kHz. In experiments combining microbubbles with ultrasound, four different types of gases were selected, including He, N2, O2, and air. The above different experimental conditions were tested against the degradation of both iodide and Ibuprofen. From the results, it is concluded that the FTF-140 kHz reactor is most efficient in generating hydroxyl radical, and has a 79% removal of Ibuprofen in water when combined with O2 microbubble at pH 3. When the pH value increases to 7, the degradation efficiencies all decrease regardless of the reactor types or frequencies. In addition, it was found that the process that combines air microbubble and ultrasound can increase about 40% of degradation efficiency. |