濕地為具有功能及經濟價值,是許多生物物種繁衍的重要棲地,是地球上重要的生態系統,台灣近年來經濟開發,導致局部地區的地形、地貌或水文等產生改變,使濕地面貌大幅改變,喪失其功能,因此本研究想利用DPSIR原理建立濕地沿海地區指標系統,其目的不僅只是針對濕地生態方面進行探討,也加入了各周遭有可能影響生態環境變化的因素,找出目前最需改善的方向及策略,以提供日後改善沿海濕地地區環境狀況的方向。本研究綜合相關文獻及專家問卷調查,分析整理出5個構面,32項指標,再經過網路層級分析法分析指標間的直接與間接關係,找出改善的最佳策略則是:生態旅遊、社會參與行動力、社會人口結構、環境生態、總體社區營造。因此要對彰化濕地進行改善的策略可從上述幾個指標進行著手改善,以達到濕地永續生態社區的理想狀態。 Due to economic development rapidly, the industry is improper and excessive development to wetlands that lead to accelerate deterioration of the wetland and environment, so people gradually began to focus on wetlands to think about wetlands problems.In this study, we use DPSIR model to build a system of indicators and use the Analytic Network Process Method to find the weight the indicators. Moreover, we analyze the direct and indirect relationship between indicators. Finally, we find the best strategy to improve the coastal wetland environment.Based on the literatures and the expert questionnaire analysis, it can separate 5 facets and 32 indicators. And we use these facets and indicators to analyze the relationship by using the ANP. According these results, we can sort out a conclusion. The best strategies are Ecotourism, Social Participation, Social Structure, Environmental Ecology and Community Infrastructure Establishment. Therefore we can improve Changhua wetlands from the result of these strategies.